Written by Otaku Apologist
Produced by T-Rex, “Oide yo! Mizuryuu-kei Land” is a hentai anime show about a fictional Japanese theme park. Based on the manga series of the same name drawn by Mizuryu Kei. This theme park is a place where guys and girls can freely fuck in public. No laws on public decency apply. This libertarian wet dream was released in 2017 for public consumption and has two episodes as of time of writing.
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The first episode shows beautiful girls and handsome guys taking a bus ride to the park and getting dressed up for sexytime. Once at the site, it doesn’t take long, they all fuck like rabbits. The second episode jumps to a story of a slutty idol group working in the theme park, having public sex with their fans during their concert. While you don’t learn much about the characters of either storyline, you can see enough of their personalities to get emotionally into the ride. I find myself immersed in the story every time I rewatch this, cumming buckets midway in.
What makes this work is the relationships between characters. In the first episode, the group of friends has a very typical range of personalities, with two outgoing girls and one introverted one. Meanwhile, the two guys who go there are besties with vastly contrasting personalities. Exactly how it is with most guys, they have that one bestie and few relations besides that. Meanwhile, in the second episode, the girl band Horny Sentries have this vibe that they’ve been together a long time. You can easily immerse yourself in this ridiculous scenario because of the realistic characters.
My personal favorite is the “meet and fuck” event in the second episode. With the build-up that goes into that one, with a whole music-filled orgy preceding the scene, when Yuka suddenly gets the dick of her dreams, I can’t hold it. Every sex scene in both episodes is beautiful and high in production values, and there’s just enough story to make it all work.
Mizuryu-kei Land of hentai manga!
The animation is above average with very few blatant cost-cutting techniques messing with the ride. There are moments where the animation is much smoother, sporting more frames per second than other moments. The sex scenes seemingly got a bigger chunk of the budget.
The outfit designs are the best here. Nobody is wearing anything much. You feast your eyes on silky nipple tapes, frilly mini skirts, thongs that dig into the snatches, shiny knee-high socks, even little hats that look both cute and sexy. All these fabrics add to the extremely sexual atmosphere.
The music is nothing that special, but it’s there, adding a little bit of spice to the experience. The second episode is more rich in music, as it’s focused on the story of a lewd girl band. But really, the music is barely in a side role even.
The voice acting is the usual Japanese quality you’ve grown to expect. The youthful voices of the girls as they banter, sing, moan and beg for sex just draw the tadpoles out of your balls.
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Since the scenario is almost completely a sexual one, it’s a little redundant to focus on this aspect. You simply cannot talk about this anime without mentioning sex constantly. It’s a wild ride, with every minute filled to the brim with sexual shenanigans. Group sex moments break out in the middle of the day. With everyone having sex all the time in public, couples and individual passersby feel encouraged to initiate sex with other onlookers. The fantasy of a sex-free theme park is beautifully done.
I can only recommend you watch this spicy anime. It doesn’t beat around the bush. While the scenario gets to the point very quickly, it also masterfully escalates things, so you feel the progression and the thrill of anticipation for the next part. I say, when an orgy is the prelude to a romantic one-on-one encounter that turns into more group sex, that’s fucking brilliant. The mangaka Mizuryu Kei, who crafted the original story, is a hentai genius. I recommend watching this on Hentaihaven.com.
- Animation
- Story
- Music
- Hentai