Written by Otaku Apologist. Images from Funbag Fantasy: Sideboob Story.
Sex is always dangerous. The only upside of rubbing your oozing genitals with a beautiful person who ticks every box in your checklist of virtues, is that it feels fucking awesome. But make no mistake: Sex is problematic.
Several of my business partners in hentai have experienced a moral crisis: A good example is Sinner. After our 2018 promotional run for Nutaku’s free hentai browser games at Sinnercomics, Sinner has been switching away from drawing hentai, now doing comics about deer hunting in the post-apocalypse. It’s not just the hardcore pornographic content that explores the deepest, darkest desires locked in people’s hearts. The true redpill journey begins when you read statistics and realize that high-quality pornographic fiction has social consequences.

Few things leave you more vulnerable to danger than looking for a supplier of dick or pussy. Hooking up with a smooth-talking stranger, you are never 100% safe from violent rape. Your sex partner could be a cold-blooded predator who has perfected the art of seduction, only to realize their darkest impulses with as many partners as they can. They could rape you and beat you bloody, until you’re nothing but a broken husk with his fluids drizzling from every hole in your body.
Your rape could result in you contracting a life-long sexually transmitted disease. You can be rendered infertile by your sexually transmitted disease, or even die from the complications. The risks associated with hunting for the best orgasms of your life are enormous. If you want to avoid all conceivable problems, you should stay in your cave and die a virgin.
Just this week, I’ve been debating with twitter thots about date rape on the hentaireviews twitter (miraculously not banned at the time of writing). The hysteria of the women I engaged on the topic of rape, was mind-blowing. It seems as if every sexually liberal woman has either been brutally raped, or they have a friend who was raped by one of their many sexual partners. I never expected to be exposed to such terrifying anecdotal truths.
Click any image to view highlights from the Hentaireviews rape debate!
Unwanted pregnancies are another unavoidable fact of life for every hot babe that enjoys getting creampied in her sopping wet pussy over, and over, and over again. You just want to squeeze that throbbing dick between your legs like a gun on your forehead, pulling the trigger until the barrel is empty. It is virtually certain you’ll get a big bum in your oven when swapping fluids with your multiple sexual partners on a regular basis.
Sex is Russian roulette; one bad spin of the wheel, and you’re fucked.
Sex is always risky. That’s why every generation before powerful contraceptions became widespread, considered sex a ticket to hell. Because people of the time could see, sex was a ticket to hell on Earth. Communities where women jumped from dick to dick like playing Super Mario with their cunts descended into chaos. Well, except for the high-status males who hogged all the women into their breeding harems for endless orgies. The only problem with that arrangement was the number of low-status men left without partners. If the richest 10% of men have four wives each, the bottom 30% cannot marry.

These issues were long resolved: The solution was the institution of marriage as a union between one man and one woman. A culture which treated sexually proactive women like trash, and didn’t support single mothers via government handouts. Risk of sexually transmitted diseases reduced to virtually zero. Risk of unwanted pregnancies, zero. A less competitive dating market where even the most socially awkward piece of shit could get a wife. Less violence, less disease, less alienation, everyone getting a bite out of the cake that society was baking. Unparalleled technological, economic, and cultural advancement ensued, making Europe and North-America the best places to live on planet Earth. Amen.