Written by Mistress Valentine, edited by Otaku Apologist
Produced by Studio F.O.W and released in July 2015, Bioshag Trinity is a 3D hentai animation featuring three stories, in three different universes, with three fantasies and one iconic heroine. The episode features over 23 minutes of Elizabeth taking part in some of the wildest, dirtiest and most visceral sex you’ve ever seen. The video is voiced in English.
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“Vengeance Runs Deep” takes place in the Rapture, where a villainous Elizabeth uses her feminine charm to blackmail Private Dick into giving her dick. Once she has him trapped, she whips out his cock and empties his balls on her face.
In “Solitary Confinement”, Elizabeth finds herself feeling lonely in Columbia and very fucking horny. A portal opens up to the Rapture and some big, ugly motherfucker with a huge dick steps through. Instead of being scared to death like any normal person, Liz claps her hands in excitement and invites this monster to pound her pussy.
The last story is called “Anarchy” and it takes place in another alternate version of Columbia where the Vox Populii is running rampant. The Vox Populli are a bunch of naked, depraved sons of bitches who wear creepy bird masks. After they step through the portal and see Elizabeth on her own, they gangbang her into a cum-soaked mess.
Bioshag Trinity sounds like a disjointed mess, but it isn’t. Each of the stories has a distinct tone and style. Vengeance Runs Deep is filmed in black and white. It looks and feels like a 1920s noir detective film with Elizabeth taking on the role of sexy femme fatale. Solitary Confinement is more contemporary and generic. Elizabeth comes across as an eager whore and the nameless motherfucker she has sex with is a gentle giant. Anarchy is just a gangbang scenario for deviants who enjoy that stuff.
The writing is strong in all three stories. The script writer is able to capture the unique tone of each story.

Anastasia Snow provides the vocal talents for Elizabeth and she does a fantastic job. Her acting range is showcased in every segment. She manages to make each Elizabeth feel distinctive from the previous version without alienating the viewer. Snow’s voice is completely sexy and excels at seductive dialogue. She is also quite the screamer. Solitary Confinement contains some of the best English moans I’ve heard. Snow is also capable of realistically portray fear. She spends most of Anarchy begging her captors not to stick their dicks in her.
The other voice actors do not say much except for the poor schmuck Elizabeth seduces in Vengeance Runs Deep. His voice is decent, but notthing exemplary.
The segments feel realistic and immersive with plenty of sound effects. The most notable sound is the inter-dimensional portal that keeps opening up. You can also hear the beds and floor boards creaking from too much fucking. Birds chirp as air crafts fly through the air, the busy city bustles with life. There’s also a big library of typical sex sound effects.

The music is Bioshag Trinity is tailor-made. Songs use original instruments to perfectly mimic 1920s cabaret music. Tracks have a slow and intimate pace. Music enhances the world-building and doesn’t feel intrusive.
Each segment stands out by using a different cabaret aesthetic. The first arc mirrors the film noir setting while the second features soothing violins playing over Elizabeth getting her brains fucked out. The final segment stands out with its beautiful vocals. The track itself is not memorable but helps immerse the viewer into the sex.

StudioFOW’s work can be described as 3D hentai hardcore pornography. They make animations using Valve Corporation’s Source Filmmaker. This gives their content a high-quality video game feel with impressive rendering and attention to detail.
The animation quality for Bioshag Trinity is excellent. As mentioned, each segment has its own art style. Vengeance Runs Deep is rendered in black and white and relies heavily on cleverly placed shadows and the viewer’s imagination. The other two segments are rendered in color, with strong shades and lots of detailed backdrops making the experience feel more organic.
Bodily proportions are consistent in-between scenes and characters have great details. Genitals are not censored, but are exaggerated in some segments. The animation quality is bouncy and chocolatey which makes Bioshag trinity feel more PS3 than PS4.
Elizabeth’s design mimics the character expertly. She has a big, awesome rack. She also spends most of the episode naked, so there’s ample opportunities to show off her sexy curves.
There are some very creative camera angles used to show Elizabeth in the sluttiest positions, including one scene where the biggest dick is pushed into her tight ass. The look of utter bliss as she loses all sense of self is very sexy.

Each of Bioshag Trinity’s segments focus on a particular fetish. Vengeance Runs Deep starts with seduction and female dominance. Elizabeth gives one of the best and sexiest blowjobs in hentai before letting the schmuck dump a load inside her. She gives him access to all kinds of positions and we get to see her glorious breasts shake from so many camera angles.
The sexiest bit occurs after the PI cums inside her. Elizabeth tells him to eat out her cum-soaked pussy. He refuses and she just rams his head between her legs and forces him to comply. When Elizabeth climaxes, the colors return.
In Solitary Confinement Elizabeth’s solo masturbation causes the portal to open. After her partner’s dick falls out of his pants, Elizabeth eagerly takes it into her mouth for a good sucking. She also allows herself to be spanked like the horny little tramp that she is. Her monster partner smokes a cigar and puts it out in her ass. He drives it up there to keep Lizzie’s butt company while he pounds her pussy. He replaces the cigar with his dick and Elizabeth melts as her asshole is filled to the brim.
Anarchy has the most visceral sex scene with Lizzie being restrained and forced to take dick from everyone. Cocks are shoved into her pussy until she cums, then she is forced to suck some disgusting penises. One by one every one of her holes gets stuffed with some asshole’s dick and she is gangbanged until her mind is broken.

Bioshag Trinity is a work of art. It’s a sexually enticing piece of media you can watch for free, thanks to supporters on Studio FOW’s Patreon. This video doesn’t beat around the bush. The stories are fun and interesting with equally creative sexual content.
You can watch Biashag Trinity on Studio FOW’s website or subscribe to their Patreon to keep up to date with their content.

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- Hentai