Written by Otaku Apologist
Vixen Wars, a free hentai tower defense game developed by 3X Entertainment. Published by Nutaku Publishing. Free to play. For PC Windows and smartphones. No voice acting. Uncensored genitals.
From the motherfuckers who made Booty Calls comes another free to play h-game of questionable quality. How deep down the dark rabbit hole of capitalism can you fall when chasing the dollar on your race to the throne of bottom-feeding game developers? This tower defense title answers the question once and for all!
Play this on your PC – Play this on Mobile – Play this on Android.

You are a toxic egotistical fuckwit who wants to sink his penis in everything with legs and a hole. You are summoned by your seductive step-sister to defend the kingdom from invading orcs and other fairy tale scum. After harassing your bootilicious non-related sister with aggressive suggestions of good old in-and-out, you reluctantly accept your responsibility of keeping the kingdom’s borders secure. So begins your adventure as the organizer of the realm’s defenses.
The writing is a joke, the storytelling sucks, it’s rife with abundant swearing, and nobody gives a shit. The writer goes way too far with trying to appeal to working class millennial kids, foregoing all depth and subtlety in place of crude sex humor. If you don’t feel like slamming your head into a desk while reading this, you either need to put a gun to your head or grab a class on classical literature. Those are your two choices, choose your destiny.
This game employs a western-style of anime art. The overall presentation comes off as cheap, even if it is palatable. The enemies and your girls look like South Park characters during the playable segments. Okay, they look cute, I guess that’s the point. The ultra simplistic environmental art combined with cartoonish characters just makes the game look too kid-friendly for my tastes. The game looks like bubble-head anime girls meet Warcraft II. The full-body sprites of the female characters outside of the gameplay segments have limited animation, and limited jiggle physics. And none of the ladies look very appealing, with the art direction aspiring for the most basic bitch style. If you didn’t quite catch my drift there, I’m complaining about boob size – increase it. It’s a fucking hentai game. For fuck’s sake, make the boobs look like something between which I want to slide my dick, thank you.

You defend the end of the road that the monster walk, trying to kill everything that approaches the designated area. Every time an enemy passes your defenses, you lose health points. When your health drops to zero, you lose the level.
This is a very simplified tower defense game with limited choices. It’s a very guided experience, with little room for player error. Each level has only a few squares to place your “towers”, which are actually characters like warriors, archers, and mages. The gameplay is a total no-brainer, with no deeper thinking required to execute optimal strategies. You don’t even juggle with resources when placing towers. Once your troops are placed on the board, they attack enemies automatically. All you do is upgrade them a couple times before they’re maxed out, then you just cast various spells and force-feed them potions until the last wave of monsters has been killed.
This game is clearly made for the mass market of casual gamers. Even your tech illiterate grandma would be able to beat these levels. That doesn’t strike me as good design, but I’m guessing it’s profitable. Apparently the majority of the people on this planet are smart enough to use smartphones, but not smart enough to overcome cerebral challenges that require thought and conscious repetition. Why challenge the player to improve their skill when you can just milk him?
The game has a stamina system. You spend some “energy” each level, and only have 20 energy at maximum, which recoups over time. Limiting your playtime artificially is part of the business model, don’t worry.
You gain gold and other loot from beating levels, which lets you upgrade your troops, etc.

The music gets repetitive quickly. The soundtrack is limited to a handful of songs, which play ad nauseam. The menu music is a whimsical song featuring a flute that occasionally sounds medieval. The composition doesn’t stick to a coherent style with instruments proper for the time-period, which breaks the vibe. If you’re shooting for a medieval atmosphere, you should go all-in with that. Don’t half-ass your style.
The semi-epic music that plays during a level is extremely repetitive, albeit action-packed. You feel the intensity of the monotonous gameplay at your finger tips while the beat goes on and on. The melody ramps up gradually, to make you feel like greater challenges await just around the corner, and then the song loops. The hype is fake.
Vixen Wars has very limited voice acting. You sometimes hear the girls giggle, and that’s about it.
The sound design is solid work. The swords, arrows, and spells sound fantastically visceral. While I personally did not enjoy the music, I admit the battle-specific audio clips mesh perfectly well with it. Other audio you will find in this game include the woody rattling of loot chests, the looting of items, a gentle clack when clicking buttons, all that jazz. I mention these things, because many hentai game developers cut corners and skimp on audio. I’m very pleased whenever I hear competent sound design, even if it’s just in menus. In this game’s case, they did a great job.

Vixen Wars is free to play. You can greatly boost your rate of progression by purchasing diamonds, the game’s premium currency, from the store. The diamonds you can spend on things like direct boosters, and epic chests full of resources. For reference, a medium loot chest costs $1.90, a mythic chest full of epics costs $6.90. A pack of 10000 coins costs $20.00. This game will quickly drain your wallet if you give it a chance to addict you.
Every once in a while you will unlock sexy images of the game’s female characters. There’s a little bit of text below the image, to give the image some erotic flavor. The content is not very impressive. There’s also no voice acting or other sultry audio, and the scenes end very quickly.

Vixen Wars is a super casual tower defense game primarily for mobile fappers. The gameplay is very easy to learn, the story is terrible, the music is a torturous annoyance, and the limited hentai content is insulting. If you’re looking for a game that requires little skill and a fat bank account to enjoy, check out this title today.
Play this on your PC – Play this on Mobile – Play this on Android.

- Graphics
- Gameplay
- Story
- Music
- Hentai