Written by Otaku Apologist
After the lull in summer, our traffic bounced back to record numbers. In November, our visitors read over 272000 articles. That’s almost double the activity we had during summer months. Also, we’ve gone past 3 million life-time views. Our growth has been much faster than expected, and I’m very happy with the result.

Otakusexart.com traffic has been stable for months. Last November, our visitors viewed over 193000 pages. This number is particularly encouraging, because I barely updated the comics until late into the month. The below graph shows our growth starting from 2017 when I launched the site. We are now past 2 million life-time views.

We are currently working on multiple traffic-generating projects that will hopefully substantially escalate our numbers in the coming months. Last two months’ projects were smashing successes, but there’s no reason we can’t reach an even larger readership. If you share our articles and buy the occasional product, that helps a lot.
Our revenues are increasing gradually with the commission business attracting the attention of our customers. We’re working on more projects than ever, while pretty much all of our advertisers are paying their dues. I’m not publishing those numbers because it’s damn annoying to grab the screenshots from multiple affiliate dashboards, but we’re somewhere around $3000-4000. I’m happy with it.
Thanks everyone for your hard work and support.