Written by Otaku Apologist
On June 24, 2022, Roe v. Wade was overturned in the US supreme court by a vote of 5-4. And today, I was reading Quora when the most atrocious comment popped up on my feed. She was commenting on the overturn of Roe v. Wade, a ruling that declared the Constitution of the United States generally protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion, which was in effect since 1973. Now, the Supreme Court has overturned it, which has struck down many U.S. federal and state abortion laws.

Here’s why she’s wrong. The harsh reality is that in a sexually liberal dating environment, the top 20% of men date 80% of the women. This is called the Pareto principle, and it is very, very universal. When women are allowed to indulge in no-consequences premarital sex, only a handful of men will qualify for sex. Because women are not just picky but complicated to the point where the average man will give up in frustration before ever learning the game.
Roe v. Wade gone, States are now able to set their own abortion laws. Populations can decide whether they want to expand or restrict abortion rights, and voters are free to move to states where politics they want are dominant.
It’s a step in the right direction towards correcting a distorted sexual marketplace where the winners are few and the losers many.
Why is restricting abortions a good thing? Firstly, it will increase birth rates, which have been destructively low for decades. And when sex has actual consequences, women have to be smarter about who they sleep with.
This is a victory for local governance. Less federal intervention in the internal affairs of the states is a good thing, because the government is often out of touch with the complex needs, cultures, and unique challenges facing communities.

Divorce rates speak for themselves. In an alarming trend, based on some statistics, divorce rates have soared up to 60%. This is suicidal for any nation that aspires to be socially functional.
You can observe this easily by just paying attention: women often choose their sex partners poorly when given the freedom to do so. The jocks and assholes they go for, the types who were perhaps the best providers in the violent ancient times predating civilization, are not such great fathers in modern times.
Dysfunctional marriages are bringing about generations of dysfunctional boys and girls, who treat each other like shit in the playgrounds and public schools. I was a kid during a recession in the 1990s, and it was rough.
When the resources in families are strained, stress, domestic disputes, drug-use and alcohol consumption are high, the crises in these families seeps into the classrooms. Victims of long-time bullying can become school shooters.
Even civilizations thousands of years ago were able to deduce that liberal sexuality can produce a dysfunctional society. The story of Sodoma and Gomorrah.
Virtually every society and religion that hasn’t collapsed and died tends to favor restricting sexual self-expression. It wouldn’t be a requirement for the preservation of social cohesion, if people were smart and responsible. But the opposite is true. Humans are impulsive monkeys that need a good few ass-kickings throughout life, to grow into sensible adults.
Pretty weird religious tilt at the end there.
The problem with red pill/ incel posts like this is that while they have a grain of truth to them, they are horrible in how they apportion blame. they lay it 90% on the woman when it should be 50/50.
– why solely blame women for single parent households/divorce/broken homes? It’s just as much the man’s fault (on a societal level).
– why solely blame women for choosing asshole guys and not the guy for being an asshole?
– It takes two people to make a baby. If an abortion occurs, the man also holds some responsibility for a dead foetus.
It’s true that women are attracted to success – the top 20% of men. However, I’d argue men are shallow in the other direction – we don’t care if a woman is successful, ambitious or intelligent, as long as she’s hot and not too much of a bitch. I also think it’s funny that the kind of men complaining “women only date successful/rich men” do NOTHING to try and become that successful man.
Instead of hating/blaming others, why not work to improve yourself?
As it is no longer a requirement for men to ask permission from her father to date her, the responsibility for mate selection rests on the females. Men simply follow the incentives and adopt behaviors and aspirations that get them selected. Feel free to point the flaw in my logic.
What??? Are you saying men are retarded children that can only chase pussy, and have no agency in the matter? They can’t think for themselves, and let women’s preferences dictate their lives?
Men aren’t mindless drones. They have agency, which brings responsibility. When a man fucks up a relationship, they have joint responsibility for that fuckup.
The flaw in your logic is that you treat men as brainless pussy chasers, when they aren’t.
I originally thought you were a misogynist. Now I see you’re a misandrist.
If you read that Girls Chase article, the author ultimately concludes that the 80/20 principle does not accurately model dating behavior
Attack issues, not people. Use arguments, not labels.
I can do both. Gigachad.
I assume you concede, if you have no response but to whine about ad hominem.
I only read this out of boredom. However I do have a few comments on this little spat going on.
Firstly the majority of dating does fall to women rather than men in responsibility but, not due to some weird incel reasoning its simply that women are the gatekeepers to procreation. This is indisputable as any Psychologist will tell you evolutionary or otherwise. Men try to skew the chances in their favor with shows of physical or material attractiveness. Billionaires tend to date models and actresses for a reason. People with status prefer to have partners that benefit that status.
Yes men who do not try to make better for themselves are to blame for their own failures however, simply trying does not a successful man make. There is an element of hard work tenacity and very importantly LUCK. You can make all the right moves but then reddit upends the stock market causing you to loss vast amounts of the wealth you accumulated. So yes you do have some points chad… Your answer however is poorly thought out because there is a finite amount of opportunity to make yourself top 20% successful. I do agree people should try and I do not agree that the dating field should be equalized by any means. This is just one opinion from the fuckboy who still only has sex casually cause I’m not ready to settle down with a single girl. If you going to leverage that a real fuckboy doesn’t do porn your wrong and my last little friend just started dating some dude so till she breaks up its porn till the next comes along. So the game works my friend.
Would it actually increase, though? I think the likelier outcome would be women simply opting for less risky forms of sex. Abstinence or asexuality is always a solution. Lesbian sex is another. And it’s not as though the trend of women coming out as any combination of pan or non-binary or omni or agender or asexual is slowing down any time soon. If anything, overturning Roe v. Wade handed misandrists and lesbians the biggest leg up they needed to prove the old lesbian trope of “only a woman knows how to love/pleasure a woman”.
There is a lot of bullshit in how modern society looks at interaction between the genders, but overturning Roe v. Wade was not a helpful step in the right direction.
Aw, hell na. My dude literally throwing a tantrum because he can’t get laid ??
buddy if you want to ‘restrict sexual expression’ why do you jack off to anime rape porn
No babies are made from that activity. Social consequences are suffered by me, not society and taxpayers.