Written by Otaku Apologist
Just as the porn industry depends on a steady supply of young promiscuous women, the hentai industry depends on artists, musicians, coders, voice actors, and other skilled craftsmen both men and women who suspend sexual morals to create content for consumers of hentai media. But who is buying the porn games, the website subscriptions, the toys, who is donating to adult games on Patreon?
The millennials. Half of whom live in single mother households. It’s the generation that has lived their whole lives consuming erotica on the internet using their smartphones and their home computers. These people are funding the western hentai industry.
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Millennials spend on porn and love cartoon porn. Half also believe in socialism, big government, and are in varying degrees influenced by feminism. Mothers, media, academia, corporations and governments have all embraced women’s liberation on pretenses that it’s justice, it’s good, and not harmful to society at all. Feminism started as a branch of communism, bear that in mind.
The welfare state is the single mother state. There’s a problem in our human nature, that the safer our environment is, the more risks we’re ready to take. The welfare state makes it safe for women to be promiscuous by eliminating the worst case scenario for women. Accidental pregnancies no longer result in a life of poverty. Modern women can more safely have sex with men on first or second date, no problem, in the worst case scenario she aborts the baby or sues the man for child support.
The welfare state ensures that a woman who gets pregnant from unprotected sex with a man is financially secure, even if that man leaves her. Single motherhood is not a death sentence anymore, it’s a viable lifestyle financed by the government.
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Many women’s selection process for sex partners is no longer oriented for the formulation of a family. The characteristics women judge desirable in a man no longer have to consider the long-term ramifications. He doesn’t have to be wealthy, smart, emotionally stable, or from a good family. She can friendzone the economics guy and bang the hot plumber. “I just don’t feel that way about you!”
The welfare state is funded predominantly with the income of men. Women’s promiscuity is subsidized by men. Because men on average make more money than women, it’s men who pay the child support.
The connection between the explosive growth of anime porn consumption among the formerly conservative, Christian population of America, and the rise of single mother households, is direct. Our industry is booming while American cities are being torched by rioting socialists, antifa, BLM, and openly Marxist groups; the sons and daughters of single mothers.
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Why do these people hate the free market? Because they’re not good at making decisions. You give some people freedom, they make a mess. And when they make bad decisions, they want somebody else to fix their problems. Without a strong man in the household teaching you to be responsible and fix your own problems, the government starts looking like a sweet option for a surrogate daddy.
Socialism has grown increasingly popular among American millennials, because they don’t understand what socialism is. Half of this young generation believe in big government. They look at the European Union, and in particular the Scandinavian countries Finland, Sweden and Norway, as a model they wish to adopt. But no European countries are actually socialist!
As a Finnish-born citizen and business owner, I am intimately familiar with the virtues and woes of the Nordic model, which is falsely called socialism. In Finland, we have a strong free market, property rights, and limited government. It’s a mixed economy that subsidizes its social programs by heavily taxing a small number of large corporations that operate internationally. The system is not perfect, there’s a lot of taxes and regulations that make it cumbersome for small businesses to manage personnel costs.
The American version of the welfare state is a population control scheme abused by politicians who buy votes with empty promises, while they sell off national assets to foreign governments. That’s how politicians get rich from politics.
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The hentai market is booming because there are customers. There are customers, because people are fucking less and looking for fantasies. Millennials are spending on porn, having abandoned the sexually conservative ideas of Christianity. Half the country is single mother households without a strong father figure to raise young boys into viable men. Meanwhile, the women are fucking thinking the birth control pill is 100% effective, when it is not. Girls are getting pregnant, they are getting STDs, and their sons and daughters become socialists.
And these socialists vote for democrats. Who want to overhaul the American system into a two-tier system with the majority of the country reeling in generational poverty, while the elite enjoy a life of luxury. That’s real socialism, that’s how it always works out.
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Every socialist system since the conceptualization of the idea has not only failed miserably, but successfully killed a lot of people. Because the theory fails to understand human nature. We are selfish, not altruistic. We want to be free, to make our own decisions rather than be coerced into things at gunpoint. Because if your idea is truly good, you should be able to convince me without a gun at me.
The welfare state creates perverse incentives for women. You are directly rewarded financially for making a baby with a man and suing him for child support. Divorce rates have skyrocketed since the introduction of the welfare state, which has birthed a large population dependent on government aid. This is by design, as people dependent on the government can’t really protest against it.
There is no scenario where the welfare state is socially or economically sustainable. There is no form of government that doesn’t get corrupted. The welfare state is a terrible idea that should be abolished in its entirety. It causes massive debt, massive corruption, perverse incentives, it creates more social problems than it solves.
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Without the welfare state, people have to learn social skills. You will create your own social safety net by negotiation and networking. You have to make yourself useful to other people, and then you have to manage your network. Without the government funneling money to people who cannot socialize or hold jobs, families and communities will have to organize to take care of everyone. Then, women who made a kid with a man they didn’t stick around with, have to quickly make the smart choice of reconciling with the father of their child and his family, or face poverty. And the families who experience hardships will become warning examples to other women, to keep it in their panties until marriage. Because without community, a strong institution of marriage, without traditional family values, society goes bankrupt.
Hentai is influencing the sexual behaviors of men and women. As business owners, we are spreading ideas, which some will attempt in real life. Hentai is both leading to, and feeding off of people’s loosening sexual morals. It doesn’t have to be that way, and I believe strongly that the industry will be far more profitable and healthier for everyone, when consumers and businesses in the industry understand the social context in which we operate. Make smarter choices and be responsible, then we can all enjoy better sex and porn.