Written by Otaku Apologist
I was reading Quora the other day when the dumbest, most autistic image caption showed up on my feed regarding christianity. This is why you study the fucking Bible, go to church, and hang with other christians, so these dumbass memes don’t falsely strike you as higher wisdom. No, the meme maker did not “nail it”, he is a moron, God bless his dark edgelord soul.
Let’s talk about this meme then, shall we?

“The entire basis of Christianity is God impregnating a teenager without her consent for the actual purpose of killing his own child.”
The point of Christianity, the “covenant” he’s made with man since the great flood in the story of Noah, is to compel men to tell the truth and remake the world in truth. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, a reward for sticking with God’s plan.
The story of Jesus is the same as that of Sokrates. Dubbed by the oracle of Delphi as the wisest man in Athens, he went on a legendary trolling spree, exposing the ignorance Athenians. Eventually he was tried for blasphemy, and forced to drink poison. You tell the truth, and the world kills you, but you save the world.

I’ve been in the hentai industry for a decade soon. In that time, I’ve frankly seen so much shit in this space, I’m just gonna come out and say it. Some of you guys need Jesus, seriously.
I understand the struggle. In order to gain power, status, wealth, sex, you have to be good at lying, to build and maintain large social networks. And you need a large network, to produce the services and products that lead to innumerable consensual transactions. Then you are powerful. Manipulation plays a role in these transactional relations, sadly.
To advance in the social hierarchy, the material incentives are to lie, manipulate, and use people as stepping stones, so they give their time and efforts to build up your wealth. Social incentives and financial incentives are toxic, if you’re trying to max out. Free speech barely exists in business.

The fate of truthspeakers is often grim. Being ahead of the curve in public discourse has throughout history been difficult, or a downright death sentence.
How do you improve the social networks you’re part of without risking your stance in them? Generally speaking, you can’t improve them, only exploit them, which is why the true nature of the dark side is boredom.
But you have to tell people the truth, to connect with them emotionally and enhance their personal growth. This can run contrary to financial goals. But committing so deeply to the game that you forego being real is why many social issues do not get resolved, but get worse. Every misery on Earth is a business model.
You’re rarely going to be hugely successful by being a good person, because people have egos and hangups and you navigate those in building your social network. Predatory people are more adept at using others, which is why they get to high places. People’s propensity for subjectivity (looking at life from their own perspective only), is why the nihilistic resource game, and rising in the social hierarchy, favors aggressive sociopathic personality types.
This has ramifications for the structure of society. Because, our societies to a large extent are organized by these predatory players, who are able to turn off their emotional selves, to think rationally about things. But because of their autism, they fuck things up when they gain too much power. You should only want power to serve people.

It’s because of these types, with pathological cluster-B personalities, who make a tiny percentage of the human population, but who disproportionately occupy leadership positions, that we cannot have a large government ever. It’s better to have them be business people, so your transactions with them are consensual, rather than have them in government where they can leverage a government’s monopoly on violence to coerce you into their profit schemes.
Let me explain that a little better. People in this specturm think on the axioms of risk-reward, cost-benefit. In these people’s thinking, there is no defined good or evil, only risk and reward.
If society embraces the free market and private property, the sociopathic types will pursue business. A more socialist society will incentivize them to pursue political careers. That’s the problem. They’ll play themselves into positions of great trust. Then they’ll do backroom deals and sell national assets to foreign governments and corporations in exchange for personal gain.
These types look at society as a gameboard. They follow incentive structures. If political careers are more lucrative than business, they’ll do politics.

The beauty of the free market is that it turns evil people into useful people. The free market drains governments of sociopaths. They will simply judge via cost-benefit analysis that, building efficient companies and providing services is a path to greater power.
While sociopaths are more capable of evil than normies, they are necessary. For example, let’s imagine a sociable employee, everyone in the community loves him, but he’s not that productive. He comes to work high sometimes, cracks some jokes, makes everybody laugh, but his bullshit work performance is costing the company. A leadership type will look at this fucker in the eye, say “fuck you” and replace them. Strong communities require standards and those who enforce them.
This can be the wrong approach if it disrupts the work community, but generally speaking, cold and calculated thinking produces results. Unsavory as it may sound to say out loud, a little macchiavellianism is necessary, to optimize human networks.
I was struggling for many years to reconcile my Christian framework of thought with the harshness of the business world. Social life as well. Right now I think that, you just can’t seek to max out your gains, or seek quick results. Many pieces fall into place when you’re more relaxed and flexible.

The gospels are a promise that, despite the process of building a better society requiring you to be honest and fight evil, even though that’s going to cost relationships and resources and possibly your mortal life, it’ll be worth the pain and the struggles.
The idea is to stick to God’s plan, tell the truth and do good, and He will take care of the rest. The goal is finding a healthy balance between strategy and ethics.
This is where it gets tricky. The essence of Christianity is to forego the nihilistic resource game, to build a more loving social network. Instead of valuing people based on their skills and their assets, you love them for their faults. This is contradictory on the surface level, but in practice, it’s really not.
A lot of businesses lack a gardener’s mindset. It’s a slow and messy process to build good relationships, both business and personal ones. Decisions are made far too soon. When something isn’t working, it’s immediate cutoff point. Too little recognition is given to the fact that a patient, iterative process is required to create profitable ventures and relationships.
Too many businesses are needlessly cutthroat about their profits. It’s not always about that! It’s this obsession with speedy profits that makes companies avoid being real with their customers. So what if there’s a bit of controversy? Stand up to actual good things and make the world a little less of a miserable shit hole.
The hentai industry could use a little bit of Jesus. Because if all the companies do here is max out their profits, the treatment of stakeholders will be poor. I have seen it. You can’t treat people like numbers only and only tell them what they want to hear. You can’t always be rolling with that gear. You have to also help build up people’s characters and help resolve their problems. Giving up on a bit of profit to stand up to an ideal is just a longer road to results.
what kind of unbelievable mental gymnastics are you going through to preach Christianity while running a hentai review site, reviewing rape games, ntr games, monster girl games, harem games, etc?
Literally every serious Christian would tell you that you’re a degenerate sinner for doing so. Lust is literally one of the seven sins. Hell, what you’re doing could even be called satanic. Are you completely lacking self awareness?
If you really want to be a good Christian, the first thing you should do is to shut down this site. It’s unethical (by Christian standards).
You know what this reminds me of? It’s like Trump claiming to be a good Christian after having gone through multiple divorces, and cheating on his wife with a porn star. You’re on the same level of hypocrisy.
Porn is just fiction. Get over it, wanker.