Written by Otaku Apologist
A.I. art is here! And it’s as dystopian as the most black-pilled sci-fi novels and movies warned us – this digital monster does not see us as human. As antisocial scientists are playing God with this new tech, some of our staff at Hentaireview have been trying out several A.I. art programs. This post shares a sample size of our production!
Granted, there are times when we’ve managed to communicate with this strange intelligence. One out of ten pieces turns out alright. The bulk look like those surreal fever dreams Salvador Dali would’ve painted with the added horror aspect that this was not conceived by a human mind at all!

At first we were worried this software could put us out of business as art sellers. But after tinkering with it and discussing the experience among staff, we’re instead speculating that while A.I. art will be used in the future, it will supplement trained artists, not replace them. The A.I. doesn’t have an artist’s intuition, so getting it to do what you want can be very cumbersome. There are times when it works as intended, and for anything like simple backgrounds and very basic character art, it’s already usable, if you have the patience to keep fixing input parameters until it gets your idea.
Without further ado, enjoy the herald of our doom! And while I have your attention, please remember to check out our art service at hentaicommissions.com.