Introduction to Hentaireviews
I’m Otaku Apologist, an independent hentai game reviewer and content creator. I started this website around autumn 2017. Me and my staff write hentai media reviews that milk money from anime fappers.
How much do you make from ads?
Last year I made about €25000. I work full-time on content for my websites.
How much traffic can you offer?
At the time of writing, is visited by some 70000 unique visitors every month. There is huge disparity between which articles gain popularity, hence I offer lifetime ad space.
How much is the cost of banner ads?
You can buy permanent life-time banners for only $5.00 a pop. Each banner appears in one article. You buy banners for $25.00, you get 5 banners distributed into 5 different articles.
Banners are simple hyper-linked pictures that display through Adblock.
How much does one month of advertising cost?
30 banners, one for each day of the month, costs $150.00. The banners are placed in our newest articles as they pop out of editing. They stay in the articles after our campaign has concluded, but will receive fewer clicks after they’re no longer on the front page. The more popular articles can keep selling for months, even years.
Can you promote my product more?
Buy ads for $195.00 minimum, we’ll prioritize your product and review it within 1-2 weeks along with extra promotion. Payment upfront, no refunds. Paying does not mean we’ll sugar-coat the review. Only purchase ads if you’re confident in your product. The full course meal of our promotion looks like this:
1) Press release, 2) Product review, front-page featured article for a month, 3) Promo post in, 4) Promo pages between comics, 5) Product included in webstore, 6) Interview.
You may also commission us to create a promotional comic of your product. Ask for details.
For all inquiries, please reach me by email: [email protected]