Written by Rastafoo69, edited by OtakuApologist
Little Braver, a hentai RPG developed by circle Anmitsuya. Released on June 20, 2017. Download on DLsite for $15.00. For PC Windows. Available in English or Japanese. No voice acting. Censored genitals.
After leaving home in search of adventure, Francette has joined the Adventurer’s Guild of Laussana to earn her riches. But little does she realize that horny and lustful men are lurking in the shadows, ready to pound her pussy all night long!
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Francette is a pure virgin cutie pie who embodies traditional conservative values. She loves her parents, goes to church every Sunday, and always follows the rules. All that may change when she finally moves out!
The vast majority of the game lacks an overarching story. Rather, Francette does small disconnected quests to help people all across the nation. The big story starts during the last two hours of the game.
The King is trying to bring his wife back from the dead, which leads to the creation of synthetic humans who live without souls. When these monstrosities begin to run amok, it is up to Francette to stop them.
The game has little pornographic content in the first two hours. But, once you cross the mountains into the Belmoran empire, everything changes. While your home nation was full of white christian folk, this other nation is full of degenerate foreigners that have brothels operating in plain view! One kingdom is religious, the other is degenerate.
The writing is absolutely hilarious and fun to read. When monsters defeat humans, they have forced sex with them, regardless of gender. You’ll meet plenty of guys with their assholes ruptured from losing battle. One guy even asks you to apply lotion to his anus!
The main story is complete once you defeat the resurrected queen in her “Garden of Eden”. She is surrounded by her bodyguards known as “Adams”, and the religious symbolism is heavy. Thankfully, you can continue playing the game after completing the main story. If you forget any quests that need to be done, you’ll have a chance to do them.
There are five endings, most involving the slutty actions of Francette after her adventure. But if you’re able to stay a virgin all throughout, you’ll get a special ending where Fran remains a hero and does not become enslaved to cock. All endings can be viewed from the recollection room after you complete the game. The story is fun to follow, but still forgettable.
Little Braver was created with RPG Maker, but has significant scripting that makes it unique to play. You move with the arrow keys and press spacebar to interact with objects and people. Press SHIFT to skip dialogue and speed up combat. Press ‘W’ to see your message history. Press ‘Q’ to hide the dialogue box.
Itโs a standard dungeon crawler, with significant improvements on the formula. You can totally brute force your way by grinding enough levels for your characters to make it a breeze, but there is so much more to do here.
Francette uses her magic swords that were passed down from her father. These swords can be upgraded by using green “Magic Stones” to increase an attribute. Will you specialize in attack power? Or agility? Find more magic stones and decide.
There are 3 basic difficulty levels. They do not affect the game’s ending or anything else. They only affect enemy strength. A 4th difficulty mode called “Master Mode” is available during your New Game Plus playthrough.
Magic spells are learned by reading magic books. You need to have your Magic Attack skill at a certain level, in order to learn the spells. You cannot buy an overpowered spell and breeze through the game. You have to increase your magic level first.
Players can go fishing or mining for materials in their spare time. This allows virgins to make extra money outside of guild contracts. If you’re going to play as a slut, you can prostitute yourself giving handjobs and blowjobs. The most deviant job is to be an “ass-wall”, where random men can walk up and creampie you at random.
It seems like the developers of this game planned for it to be much bigger. In particular, elemental weaknesses are explained at the start of the game, even though Francette never learns offensive magic.
Also, there is no way to resist against erotic events in battles. Your virgin player can get fucked on the first turn, ruining your virgin playthrough. Was that intentional? Unavoidable sex is pretty fucking annoying.
On a normal mode virgin playthrough, I completed the game in 7 hours, reaching level 40. Results will vary depending on difficulty mode and play style. If I went for a slut playthrough, this game easily could have gone past 10 hours of content.

The art is classic Japanese anime style. All the visuals look great, but there’s a lack of visual cues. There are three blonde girls in this game, and without their clothes on, they all look exactly the same.
The character stills are not very expressive. Rather than draw unique artworks for every emotion, the characters are given the “Cross-Popping Veins” visual trope. It comes off as lazy and uninspired.
The character that got the most attention was Francette. With orange hair and a classic blue dress, she is the definition of a cutie pie virgin girl. When you find hair ribbons and other accessories in dungeons, she’ll comment how cute it is, and put them on.
Francette has 8 costumes, 10 hair accessories, and 10 types of underwear. Each can be mixed and matched to create a unique custom outfit. Sadly, Francette reverts to the default outfit whenever the story progresses. You’ll have to customize her all over again.
Clothing takes damage in combat, and will leave Fran nude when it’s all gone. To allow for many levels of clothing damage on your unique outfits, the developers created over 800 CGs in total.
Erotic scenes can occur in combat, many of which are unavoidable. While at first they are hot, it eventually gets very tedious. All I want to do is grind some levels, but I’m forced to read through a groping scene for the hundreth time. Annoying!
There are 50 base CGs with hundreds of variations. These add up to +800 CGs and over a hundred hentai events.

Little Braver has no voice acting.
The sound effects are varied and well placed. From the magical cure spell to the overpowering slashes of your sword techniques, everything is well done. Sex scenes have wonderful sounds for vaginal penetration and dick-in-pussy pounding.
There are 63 songs in this game, almost all of which are licensed products.
Horn instruments are mixed with vioolin and harps to create a calming and steady medieval tune. No drums, no guitar, just pure classical music. Even during boss battles, cymbals and hyper fast electric piano beats are mixed to create an exciting tune that will leave you hyped and ready for battle! Licensed music sources include Shota Murasato’s Music Hall, Dova Syndrome, and Amacha Music Studio. A full list is available in the game files with a standard download.

The game has 50 base CGs spread across 100 scenes, divided into three parts.
Francette’s sexual experience is tracked through “Naughtiness” and “Lust”. Naughtiness is a permanent stat that rises as Francette gets more sexual experience. Lust is a temporary stat that decides how horny she is at one given moment. Church confessions and potions can be used to lower your lust level, but naughtiness is permanent.
Promiscuous behavior has its own responsibilities. If you catch an STD, you’ll need to have it treated at the gynecologist. If your anus gets loose, you’ll need to fix that at the proctologist. Be sure to use the bathroom regularly, or your enemies will force you to piss yourself in battle. This game is a perfect example of vanilla content done right! You expose your panties to strange men, accidentally drink cum, give a footjob to a horny guy. Scenes escalate slowly and get more erotic as time goes on.
My favorite scene is when Francette stretches her arms and shows off her body while men fap nearby. Without even touching them, she causes them all to cum in their pants with a nip slip! If these sex starved soldiers had a chance to touch her, Francette would be creampied in every hole! And if you choose a slut playthrough, you’ll be able to see this first hand!
All scenes in the recollection room are unlocked once you beat the game. The recollection room also has tips on how to find erotic scenes. These hints are turned off by default.
Little Braver is the perfect vanilla hentai title. The game has ten hours of content ranging from mining and fishing to battles and creampies! The story is simple to follow, and the gameplay is detailed. With five endings and the possibility of a virgin playthrough, this game is fun regardless of your play style. If you love vanilla hentai, this game will hit your spot.
I highly recommend this to fans of RPG titles. Download Little Braver. If you like this game, also check out Gran Ende!

- Graphics
- Gameplay
- Story
- Music
- Hentai