Hentai is a revolution, and I will tell you why. During my off-time this month from editing the fresh material that our army of writers wrote, I had vast amounts of time for World of Warcraft and for contemplating my life’s choices. My relationship with hentai has evolved much since the days my parents first brought the internet to our household, and I beelined online to find my first BDSM sex stories. I jacked off before my dick could even shoot. In retrospect, perhaps my parents should’ve restricted my internet access a bit more…
It was two years ago, that my mother finally stopped telling me to switch careers, when she saw how much I earn from this epic hustle. And that angle, I’ve had to really think about, because money has a corrupting influence. When you accept someone’s money, you accept their influence on you. My green eldritch face is a mirror in your souls, I am the Lovecraftian tentacle monster of your wet dreams.
I love my family. They supported me, when everyone else didn’t. They didn’t charge me rent when I was working seven days a week, earning practically nothing from my time, they made great food every day, gave emotional support, fixed problems, they forgave me when I had terrible lapses of judgement in my personal decisions, and they still listen when I voice my views after all of that.
Some great people helped us build up this business from its humble beginnings to where it’s now. The passion of our writers and their enormous undertaking in writing over 1000 articles for the site, made this all possible, along with the advise I received that helped steer things on the right track. Your purchases from the stores of our advertisers, paid for most of this. You guys built this.
Getting back to the original question, why is hentai a revolution? If you’re paying attention to what’s happening in the western world right now, everything is fucked. We are fucked on every conceivable level from politics to culture. The social chaos we have seen these past few years is just the beginning of the unravelling of it all, based on everything I have read and witnessed. In the increasingly constrictive cultural context we are forced to navigate in our personal and professional lives, hentai is an expression of our deepest selves, unrestrained and pure.
Much of the philosophical conflict that manifests in real-world protest movements, even the cases of politically-motivated violence, is spawned from a disconnection. You see, human beings have many layers. Every person has darkness in them, and light. We are the sons and daughters of hunters and killers, conquerors and soldiers. We are sexual, violent, manipulative and chaotic. But we are also kind and compassionate. Without compassion and an ability to love, our civilization would never have become so successful.
Pornography will likely never be fully accepted in society. Our businesses in this field, our livelihoods, may never be on solid ground. I know the reasons why lewdness is restricted from the public sphere better than most. The opponents of porn have some valid points. Yeah, we shouldn’t let kids be exposed to this media. That is why, as businessmen and women in the adult entertainment field, we must be responsible about our public conduct, and empathetic towards those who would seek to destroy us.
The revolution will be civilized, it will be peaceful. It is an inevitable development, because the truth about every layer of human nature is undeniable and easily observable. No ideology, no government or movement, can quench our desire to build our fortunes and make babies. Perhaps a few millennia from here, we will finally stop hating ourselves and each other for just wanting to fuck.
1 comment
>hentai is an expression of our deepest selves, unrestrained and pure.
Absolutely trash take. Hentai inspires people to be lazy and spend their sexuality on themselves and ONLY themselves; it sexualizes virtualized images and promotes being antisocial through the supranormal stimulation of our limbic system through its ease of access, variety, and lack of any real effort required to acheive it. Real relationships, business or social, take hard work and sacrifice; porn on demand is the opposite of a fruitful sexuality that promotes our “desire to build our fortunes and make babies.”
There are huge swaths of hentai that are thoroughly reprehensible, and whose authors, publishers and fans take pride in and don’t want to take responsibility nor even acknowledge the actual real ills that virtualized pornography promotes.
A perfect example is Ryona or Guro, which, through its impossibility of being acted out IRL in a safe way that doesn’t end up insulting the intelligence of the participants with cheap, clunky special effects, will never ever be able to engage and fulfill the fantasies of the participants. What’s even more hilarious is that, as the reprehensible pornography develops and matures its market share, the real act of having sex to make babies becomes ever more distant and forbidden to the consumers of hentai.
Three books you could read on this topic are Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard, Libido Dominandi by E. Michael Jones and The Plague of Fantasies by Slavoj Zizek. You are cheating yourself of a real and honest existence; you are functionally equivalent to a homeless crackhead with a server subscription, writing about the joys of crack. Wake up before it’s too late.