Written by Rastafoo69, edited by Otaku Apologist
There are many hentai games with basic plotlines and bland characters. This is not one of them. This is the story of a great pirate epic known far and wide across the world of hentai gaming. This is the story of Rubina the pirate.
When the story begins, she appears to be just another big-breasted anime babe. She’s saved up enough money to buy a small ship and is setting sail to become the next pirate king. But even that setup alone gives a clue to the player about the depth of this world and its lore. Who was the previous pirate king, what was their purpose, and why did they vanish?
The story is split into 5 chapters, told in a 4-6 hour experience. This article will be primarily focused on the main story and side quests. Most scenes are optional and/or the result of a loss in battle, so many players may never see them. Besides, there isn’t much plot to discuss in being a cum dumpster.
Only the side quests offer branching plot points due to character choices. These usually boil down to choosing between a battle, a payment, or a sex scene. This article will be discussing my playthrough, so there will be a mix of each. Naturally, this game has tons of replay value and I encourage any readers interested to play it themselves to choose their own outcomes.
Read our original review of Artemis Pearl.

Rubina has been saving her money for 10 years to buy her very own pirate ship. She’s in her 20s, which means she was working during her childhood. While she never speaks deeply about the subject, it’s implied that Rubina’s mother passed away some time ago and she’s been living on her own. Her father is also dead, leaving her an orphan without a family. In spite of this, she never became bitter or angry at the world.
Rubina’s father was the great pirate king. But in a time without photographs or internet, his legacy is dependent on the stories of those who are left. There are civilians who say he was a great man that slayed demons and saved villages. There are soldiers who say he was a power hungry madman who wanted to control the world. And then there’s Rubina, who has faith in her father, but still needs to find the truth.
The capstone of her father’s legacy is his quest to find “The Artemis Pearl“. Legend says that the person who finds it will have the power to control the world. As with all power, there is a price. They say, the one who wields the pearl will be corrupted by its influence, like Rubina’s father was. That is why, the world hates her.
Rubina spent her childhood hiding her true identity and lineage, knowing that the royal knights may persecute her if they find her. Regardless of who she is, they will always view her as the child of a corrupt madman. Rubina knows better, but the world does not.

The Royal Knights are a central antagonizing force throughout the game, primarily through their strongest member, Stilia. She is the blonde woman in the image above. She’s older than Rubina, and grew up during the era of the Pirate King. The Pirate King saved her village, and Stilia admired him. Which made it all the more heartbreaking when she learned about his fall from grace.
Stilia is ostensibly the primary antagonist of the game, yet she remains extremely likable due to the compassion behind her actions. Knowing the Artemis Pearl has the power to corrupt and ruin the greatest of men, Stilia has made it her goal to prevent that from ever happening again. She doesn’t hunt pirates out of malice, she does this to try and stop them from falling down the dark path her hero did.
Although Rubina was an orphan, she was watched over by Harugeno, the loyal first mate of her father. Harugeno was one of the few men to survive the great battle 10 years ago. His loyalty to the great pirate king compels him to take care of Rubina, the daughter of the pirate king.
I’m sure you see the connection now. 10 years ago, Rubina’s father died at sea. Once she learned of that, she immediately began working and saving money for a boat, to set out to sea. All of this is conveyed piece by piece through bits of dialogue, rather than a lore dump. So although this may seem like a lot of information, it is actually conveyed very naturally. All you really need to know is, Rubina is seeking the Artemis Pearl to vindicate her father and discover the truth behind his demise.

Rubina has finally saved enough money and bought herself a small ship! Although Harugeno watched over her, he never gave her a single coin of help. It seems like he didn’t want to spoil her, or hold her hand through life. For most of the journey, he takes a backseat role, supplying items and emotional support.
Rubina’s father died 10 years ago in a battle with the royal knights. For opposing the knights, her was named “The Great Pirate of Evil”. Though Rubina and others prefer to call him “The Legendary Pirate King”.
Before she can set sail, Rubina needs some lumber for her ship. While collecting some logs she meets a strange monkey named Osaru. It’s only when he starts groping her that she realizes, this isn’t some ordinary monkey! This is a man!
Osaru is a human who’s lived in the jungle all his life. He’s never learned to talk and communicates primarily through body language. Also, he’s never seen a woman before! Whether you like it or not, Osaru becomes your first crewmate, because he requires no pay and never complains! The only payment he wants is an occasional handjob.

Rubina and Osaru explore a cave on the first island to find a map fragment. The map to the Artemis Pearl was destroyed long ago, and its pieces were scattered across the globe. In order to find the pearl and the truth about her father, Rubina must find all four map fragments without being stopped by the Royal Knights.
Speaking of the Royal Knights, the moment you find the first map fragment, Stilia appears! This is the first time Stilia and Rubina meet each other, though they each recognize each other as knight and pirate. In fact, Stilia recognizes Rubina as the daughter of the pirate King, because she once met the King long ago.
Remember however, that Stilia was only a child when the Pirate King was active. Meaning, most of what she knows is what the Knights have told her. And she warns Rubina to stop pursuing the Artemis Pearl.
The writer of this game is extremely skilled at creating suspense and uncertainty. After all, if the Artemis Pearl really is dangerous, why didn’t Harugeno say anything? Who is telling the truth? This royal knight, or your father’s best friend? Both have their biases. And if the Pearl really can corrupt those around it, how do you know Harugeno hasn’t been affected? Then again, are you really going to question your relationships on the word of a random knight?

Stilia refuses to let you return to your ship, so Rubina is forced to flee! This culminates in a battle with Stilia, who has over 3000 health points. She is STRONG, and really proves that the knights are not people to mess with. You have to be strong, or she’ll never let you find the truth!
Assuming you defeat Stilia, what happens next is fucking hilarious. Osaru the caveman walks right up and sticks his dick inside of Stilia! You try to stop him, but he just keeps going! You have no choice but to let him finish, since this is probably the first time he’s had sex!
Although you feel kind of bad for Stilia, this is what happens when you face pirates! So, while she’s still dripping cum all over the place, you pick her up, and literally throw her overboard! The animation is fucking hilarious and really gives that vibe that Stilia was used as a cum dumpster and just discarded off the ship. Seeing Rubina chastize Osaru afterwards had me crying with laughter.
Chapter 1 ends with a small side story about an old man who lost his horse. It was repossessed by a rich noble, and this old man is about to die. Whether you fuck the nobleman or beat him down, you recover the horse and are awarded with the magic Pegasus Bell. One ring, and a horse will appear no matter where you go! This will be super useful on your quest!

Since your goal is to find map fragments, the game really allows you to play at your own pace. In my playthrough, I reached max level 30 before starting chapter 2, but I recommend you don’t. Maxing out too early tends to remove the tension from the rest of the game.
The second map fragment is found in Pork Town, the place well known for their pork industry. But when you arrive, giant orcs are forcing themselves on women! Together, Osaru and Rubina save the women being raped by the orcs and dispel the curse that created these orcs. With the curse gone, they return to being regular pigs and the day is saved. You now have two map fragments.
Osaru is best boy. Although the plot of this chapter was simple, it was necessary to give the player time with the characters. When Osaru sees the orcs brutalize women instead of making love, he gets pissed off! Although he can’t speak, Rubina understands what he’s thinking. “I can never forgive those orcs for roughing up those girls!”. Osaru is best boy, we need more Osaru.
The side story here is to use your money, body, or fists to acquire the extra-dimensional fishing rod. This allows you to catch fish in any body of water on the planet, even a bathtub!

Stilia is back and she has a plan! Since she can’t beat Rubina in a head on fight, she’ll use trickery instead! Stilia gives a handjob to one of the pirates on Rubina’s crew. Telling him “Your captain won’t let you drink? You’re getting all pent up inside, I can take care of that, but first, I need a favor”. And so, Stilia convinces the crew to try and force themselves on Rubina. Stilia thinks, this will make Rubina give up on her life of piracy.
What would you do in this situation? Probably the exact same thing Rubina did! Her crew tries to grab her, and she immediately just jumps overboard! And when the pirates try to jump on Stilia, she jumps overboard too! Dumbass knight, thinking the pirates would obey her commands.
Rubina and Stilia wash ashore in “The Jewel Cave”, an ocean cove created over many years by the crashing waves against the rocks. The two ladies aren’t mountain climbers ready to climb the cliffside, so they have no choice but to explore the jewel cave.
Inside the cave, Rubina finds the third map fragment. Then, she uses the magic feather in her hat to teleport back to her ship with Stilia. At this point, you’re given a choice. Do you allow the pirates to drink alcohol on the ship, or stand firm and oppose them. If you allow booze, they fuck Rubina.
So everything is back to normal, right? Wrong! After escaping Jewel Cave and making it back to your ship, Stilia refuses to leave! She says she’s keeping an eye on you, especially since you have three out of the four map fragments.
This opens up two side stories. The first involves beating up or fucking a short fat otaku in exchange for a magic staff that can change day to night. The second involves babysitting the innkeeper’s son. Will you fuck him or not? I totally did, because a MILF pirate girl fucking a virgin guy is my biggest fetish. He gives you a magic staff to change the weather.

The fourth and final map piece is at Skull Mountain. You must carry a torch at all times or the death fog, a thick magic miasma, will weaken or even kill you. I hope you’ve been grinding materials between chapters, because torches are super important here!
With the final map piece, the location of the Artemis Pearl is revealed. I’ts in the ocean, at the location of the great naval battle 10 years ago that resulted in the death of Rubina’s father. You must go there to find the pearl and the truth about the Pirate King’s demise.
Sensing that the map has been completed, the Great Kraken appears. This is a giant sea monster the size of a skyscraper, capable of destroying ships with its arms. Whatever the Pearl is, it seems to have some connection to him, the Great Kraken of the sea.
The chapter began with an Osaru-Rubina sex scene, and it ends with another touching moment between the two. Seeing the godlike power of the Kraken, Rubina offers to take Osaru home to his forest island. But he says “No Rubina, we must protect OUR HOME”.
Without even realizing it, as this journey has passed, this ship truly has become your home. You’ve upgraded it, hired new sailors, taken it across the globe. This is your home. Not only your home, but Osaru’s too. And he’s willing to put his life on the line against the Kraken to defend it.

A mysterious fog, a giant Kraken, and the ruins of the Great Pirate King’s flagship. Everything about this place at the center of the sea screams DEATH. But you’ve come too far to quit now. You, and your crew.
Rubina boards her father’s flagship. Inside its lower levels she finds ghosts of his lost crew, telling the story of how they died. It seems, their souls cannot move on until this message is heard.
Regarding the great battle between the Pirate King and the Royal Knights – there never was one. In fact, the two forces united long ago to face the Great Kraken that was terrorizing the sea. But of course, the Knights could never admit to needing the help of a pirate, so they propagandized his demise.
With the Kraken defeated and the Pirate King killed, the Knights were the only ones alive to tell the story. They claimed that they alone fought and defeated the Pirate King, overpowering him and wiping out his entire crew. But why?

Rubina, hadn’t you ever wondered how your parents met? I suppose it was a sore topic, since her father was dead and her mother was a sick widower. But here is the truth. Rubina’s father was once a knight! The greatest knight there ever was. But sensing corruption and misdeeds within the Royal Knights, he attempted to reform them from within. Naturally, the powers that be refused to allow this. Rubina’s father was forced to flee, and ran away to become a pirate. It was then that he met Rubina’s mom, also a pirate.
Just as Stilia and Rubina face the Kraken now, so too did Rubina’s parents. A pirate and a knight, facing off against the greatest terror the world has ever known. A pirate from a scorned lineage of heroes, a knight from a praised lineage of tyrants. There’s something poetic about how cruel the world can be.
On board the ruined pirate ship, Rubina finds her father’s treasured posession, the Artemis Pearl. She climbs aboard her ship and faces down the Kraken at last. Drawing from the power of Osaru, Harugeno, and Stilia – the Artemis Pearl gives Rubina the incredible power it was fabled to have. The Pearl only draws power from your friends, no one else.
This is the Legend of the Artemis Pearl. It gives the power to do anything. But the pearl itself has no power, nor does it compel you to do anything. That is the nature of the Artemis Pearl. It gives you the power, to do anything your heart desires!

Rubina’s crew are firing cannons at the Kraken now. Everyone is behind you. They’re counting on you! All that time alone in childhood, scorned by the world, but now Rubina says “I am not alone. I will fight!!”.
In-game, all of Rubina’s stats are boosted based on the stats of her friends. This allows you to fight and defeat the Kraken. Once it’s weakened enough, everyone you love calls out your name, you wield the pearl in your hand, point it directly at the Kraken and then, RELEASE THE POWER OF YOUR FRIENDS!!!
This is a blast of power inspired by those who came before you, and those who stand with you now. A blast so powerful, it disintegrates the Kraken to a point it can never regenerate again. The Kraken falls, the Pearl goes quiet, the battle is over.
This is what your journey has been leading up to. The truth behind your father’s murder. The vindication of his legacy. The power of his greatest treasure. The culmination of your efforts. You have won. And then, Stilia points her weapon towards you.

“These treasures drive men into dreaming, drive them into dangerous voyages where their lives are lost. These treasures should not exist. You Rubina, you should know this by now. You’ve lost everything and everyone you loved because of a Pirate’s dream. If anyone, I thought you would be the one to understand. This cause of so much despair, I will end that cursed dream!!!”
The knight who watched your father’s rise. The one who admired him most. Who fought alongside you for so long. Stilia, raises her shield to face you. Never out of malice. She fights to destroy the Artemis Pearl, and the dream of pirates. She fights so that nobody will ever have to fight like this again.
And yet, Rubina stands by her simple conviction. Her eyes shine bright, knowing that this dream is what brought her so far. It’s what gave her a reason to live, a reason to go on. This dream, this life, it is everything to her. And so, she cannot let Stilia destroy it!
I cried for this entire battle. I prayed this day would never come. This was the hardest battle in the game, not because of power, but because of the emotion behind each beat. The dialogue, the pacing, everything was magnificent. And it all culminates with Rubina defeating Stilia, and the Artemis Pearl, flying away.
After reading the credits and bawling your eyes out, you’re back aboard Rubina’s pirate ship. Her and Stilia remain friends, and continue to travel the world together. The pearl has gone away, likely to re-emerge when it’s needed once again. And this time, there is no trace of how to find it. Rubina can finally travel the world, free from legacy, from lineage, from the people before her. Finally, Rubina is free.

This story is living proof that less is more. You don’t need a giant cast of characters to be great. All you need is strong writing and believable dialogue in order to craft an unforgettable RPG experience. I would buy a sequel in a heartbeat. I’d pay double the price just for one more adventure together. I was left satisfied, while still wanting more. Like seeing a delicious bowl of ice cream after you just finished your third container. This is quite likely the greatest hentai story we have ever reviewed. If you plan to try this game, check out our full review with an emphasis on gameplay and hentai content. Read our full review of Artemis Pearl.