Sex will always be controversial.
Currently, on the American streaming platform TwitchTV, the ebb and flow of human history is leaning on the sex-positive side. Some female streamers are showing skin, jiggling their titties on stream.
These screenshots were taken on the 17th of December, 2023.
She seems to be in a shower room. Whenever she claps excitedly, her tits jiggle. Her business model appears to include some form of discount code, the word is “pie”. She’s playing Plants versus Zombies!
This girl was dancing in her white tank top. Very realistic jiggle physics. Tasteful and seductive, nothing too overboard. Her chat was quite excited.
This girl was just chilling in her chair, showcasing her delectable butt. No clue what game she was playing. After all, Twitch is primarily for streaming games.
When entering a stream with scantily clad ladies, there is a warning about sexually suggestive content. Clicking the option “start watching”, you give consent to indulge in a bit of depravity.
Now, how should we feel about this? Is it a delightful showcase of feminism, empowered women? Or is it a case of the Patriarchy oppressing these lovely ladies with financial incentives to degrade their morals?
I would say that TwitchTV can incorporate this level of sexiness, for a while. The leadership seems to have reached this conclusion themselves in their debates in the company boardroom. After all, if you’re on the internet, sexual content is easily accessible. Puritan rules won’t prevent anyone from finding other sources. But… loosening the rules in mainstream spaces leads to loosening in other spaces as well. When you have no principles grounding you anywhere, the rules will keep loosening until you hit a wall.
In isolation, what TwitchTV is doing is inconsequential. But a public space has different rules for reasons. It’s the signals the company is sending to other companies and the chaotic situations it’s inviting to happen that will result in inevitable backlash. It is why you relegate sexual expression into confined spaces, such as dedicated websites, bedrooms, hotels, dungeons, etc. You want to contain chaos.
The backlash will eventually come. If human beings knew how to behave and were immune to the psychological impacts that consumption of pornography has, or the impacts that having abundant sex can have, we could have public orgies without issues. But we always fail at self-moderation.
Anyone wanna bet how long this will last, before shit hits the fan?