Written by Otaku Apologist
Sacred Sword Princesses, developed by HOPE, published by Super Hippo Games. Available on Nutaku since March 1st, 2018. A free hentai game for Windows PC and Android. Medieval fantasy RPG. Partial Japanese voice-acting. Uncensored sex.
With western birthrates plummeting, religious terrorism has become parse and parcel for living in a big city. As violent clashes of ideological groups spread to our streets, a clandestine clique of corporations schemes to take over the burning world. In the darkest corner of the planet, Montreal, Canada, a shadowy organization known only as Nutaku, secretly published a free hentai game slated to shape the course of history.
We must discuss the threat of Sacred Sword Princesses, or all that we hold dear, will be lost.
You are a fucktard that needs to get laid. The White Christian God heard your prayers. He sent you into an all-female realm of autistic virgins. Similar to how Clark Kent becomes superhuman on Earth, when his krypton metabolism reacts weirdly to sunlight, your penis becomes superhuman in this feminist utopia. When you creampie any woman’s vagina, you unlock her hidden super powers.
Your enemies are mysterious “beasts” that relentlessly attack settlements. Their surviving victims turn into monsters. The world needs a savior, and you’re the dickhead it got. You’re James Bond Jesus that fucks a hole in every town he visits. Your holy semen spreads the gospel of the Patriarchy. As your “power” grows, your sheer presence becomes sexually irresistable, despite you putting zero effort into your looks, education, or social skills.
You travel from kingdom to kingdom, fighting off monster attacks. Every time you arrive in the castle of a beautiful queen, you tell her, sex with you, will empower her vagina to save the world. And they believe you!
While skipping through the padded dialog, I found myself enjoying the ditzy personalities of the characters.
Your character runs through levels, cutting down everything on screen. Before level 20 or so, I was barely pressing any buttons, except to dodge the missiles of particularly strong boss monsters. The difficulty curve takes a good while to get steeper, and the game starts punishing your mistakes.
Around levels 20 to 30, which takes weeks to grind, you’ll find yourself executing simple combat tactics like activating special abilities that make you invulnerable for the animation duration. Around the time you unlock your third ability, you also gain your first talent point. Upgrading skills quickly drains your enormous gold bank you thought was endless. When my Trisha dinged level 30, her power level shot up thousands of points from all the upgrades. My gold stash evaporated like it was the 2008 financial crisis all over again.
Before you begin a mission, the game presents a list of other players’ waifus you can borrow. Just scroll down the list in the mission screen, and pick a girl. She’ll assist you through the mission.
The A.I. of assisting characters has issues. Way too often, the melee heroes get fixated on an enemy they can’t reach. If your ally is melee, and she’s glitching out, you can unstuck her by disengaging from the fight.
Your characters hit level caps early. Level 20 is your first cap. You can extend the level cap via “evolution”, which costs elemental shards acquired from daily missions. In the main menu, click “adventure”, then click “daily missions”.
The character progression is not intuitive. Your waifus don’t gain levels from beating missions. Among the loot from beating missions, you gain EXP books. You feed the books to your girls, and spend nominal gold fees to gain levels. On the topic of loot, you are rewarded with drops and quest rewards.
I’m still annoyed with how crafting works. You need buckets of strangely named resources found randomly from specific levels. When you craft an item that the character already wears, the item levels up. It’s convenient I don’t have to equip new versions of the same armor, it’s just madly confusing.
The art of Sacred Sword Princesses is some of the best I’ve seen in any hentai game. The company used Live2D software to animate the sprites. The girls blink, move, and emote plenty during story sequences. In the main menu, you can oogle at your favorite girl’s curves. The girls’ armors are light around the breasts, and thighs, allowing a movement advantage in battle!
The backgrounds in story sequences are all gorgeous. The gloriously decorated cities and castles flip the middle finger at grimdark realism. Ancient holy altars, where many sex scenes take place, have mystical lighting. The sacred ruins are full of vegetation inside the powerful-looking stone structures that past generations built.
In gameplay portions, the characters are depicted as 3D chibis. They look very cute, just like enemies look cute to kill. Whoever designed the death effects for the monsters was clearly a fan of Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Meanwhile, the red city levels reminded me of Warcraft 3.
The game has typos all over the place. Missions are missing letters, ie. “Encouter Beasts”, resistance is spelled “ressistance”. There’s all kinds of problems. There’s also a visual bug; obtrusive transparent text appears behind the game – this is fixed by rebooting the game, or simply minimizing, and full-screening (CTRL+Enter).
Sacred Sword Princesses is free to play. The game is linked to the internet. When you buy Nutaku gold, you can exchange that to the premium-currency called gems. Gems buy rolls in the gacha machine, both items and new waifus. Remember to also roll the normal gacha, which is free once a day, and free with gacha scrolls that randomly drop sometimes. Financially support the developer if you enjoy their game.
The soundtrack rocks a slew of energetic tracks. There’s like five different songs for combat! The menu music is nice and cheerful too. It’s not a song you want to listen to for a very long time, but it sure lifts your spirits during town actions. Battle music hypes up the violence, and sex music is slow, romantic piano bullshit.
The competently composed soundtrack has plenty of meat in it.
There’s very little voice acting throughout most parts of the game. However, each girl I’ve met so far, had a voice. She repeats her only line of dialog while finishing her one-two-combo. In story sequences, you barely hear any acting. The developer was highly selective about which scenes have voice acting – smart move. Nobody really cares if you voice-act every goddamn scene in a game, like they did with Star Wars: Old Republic.
The combat features competently recorded gamey noises from sword swings to spellcasting. The sword audio reminded me of Kirby and Zelda games: No blade makes a windy noise like that when cutting monsters in half, but damn, it sounds beautiful. The audio was perfectly executed, with no pops or cracks from bad microphones.
There is a pussy pounding sound effect that sounds uncanny. More on that later.
You unlock sex scenes as you encounter new characters in the story. The women jump on your dick the moment they hear “sacred sword”. This game panders to every man who fantasizes about circumventing the exhausting seduction process. Later on, the male main character starts emitting pheromones that makes it even easier for him to get laid. Warriors, princesses, priestesses, empresses, all throw away their chastity for a few minutes of in-and-out genital connection. You’re the only male in this world, with no competitors to steal the ladies.
The sex scenes consist of descriptive erotic storytelling, dialog, and two images of the girl with a dick inside of her. The second image shows her pussy creamed. There’s awkward sex noises that sound like somebody was squeezing water balloons, while a Japanese voice actress fakes overblown orgasmic screams.
Sacred Sword Princesses has potential to be Nutaku’s best waifu pokémon title, but it takes bad influences from Kamihime Project, convoluting the game cycle with menus, and submenus. I expect nothing from a casual game, but to be provided my easy dopamine fix.
I recommend this for working-class single-mother households. Start playing with your sacred sword.
- Graphics
- Gameplay
- Story
- Music
- Hentai
I wanted to write something more comedic for a change, so it’s not all stale and same. Please comment if you thought this was good, and don’t spare your criticisms. Hope you enjoy the site, cheers. – OA
you have done well brother.