April 19th, 2018–MangaGamer Announces A Hardcopy Release for The House in Fata Morgana!
Obsession. Sadism. Avarice. Zealotry. Death. A recipe for horror heaped upon tragedy. And the paving stones of the road to the House in Fata Morgana. But is it a road to revenge and damnation? Or redemption and salvation?
This exquisite gothic suspense will leave readers questioning human nature, the merits of vengeance versus forgiveness, and the meaning of struggles against adversity. With 65 different musical tracks by five composers and a beautiful gothic art style, The House in Fata Morgana breathes life into its merciless tales -tales which come together to create a fresco for all readers to enjoy.
The physical edition of the game features the game on disk, a Steam key card which entitles you to not only the game on Steam but also the digital version of the sound track, and a reversible jacket.
The physical soundtrack is a massive four disk set with 68 tracks (that’s over four and a half hours of music), including two unused tracks and a soundtrack-exclusive medley!
Pick them up individually or as a bundle at a discount!

The House in Fata Morgana
You awaken in a decrepit old mansion.
A woman with eyes of jade stands before You, informing You that You are the Master of the house, and she Your Maid. However, You have no memories, no concept of self—or, indeed, any certainty that You are even alive.
The Maid invites You to join her on a journey through the mansion’s lifeless halls, to behold the numerous tragedies that have befallen its residents. She suggests that among them, perhaps You will find some trace of Yourself.
Beyond the first door lies the year 1603.
It is an era of unparalleled beauty, where art and theatre flourish. Roses bloom abundantly in the garden where the inseparable Rhodes siblings play, and though they appear to be free of worry and strife… not everyone is content to see them happy.
Beyond the second door lies the year 1707.
In this era, the mansion lies in ruins, and a beast dwells within. He claims to yearn for a life of serenity, but it is not long before he yields to his innate savagery and a massacre ensues.
Beyond the third door lies the year 1869.
In this technologically advanced era, people are always on the move. The mansion’s master is an ambitious businessman who has invested in the rail industry. However, his obsession with wealth and power leads him to neglect and mistreat his wife.
Beyond the fourth door lies the year 1099.
The Maid tells You that this is the final tale. In this era, You see a young man who claims to be cursed and a girl with white hair, called Giselle, who has been branded a witch and marked for death.
Having borne witness to these four tragedies, each set in a different time and place, You are now free to choose whether You wish to end Your story here… or press on.
But there are those who would say,
“You were able to bear them because they weren’t your tragedies.”
The House in Fata Morgana
Manufacturer: Novectacle
Genre: Adventure
Genre: Adventure
Price: $24.95
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Text Language: English
Voice Language: Japanese
Age Rating: 15+
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MangaGamer.com is the world’s first legal download site for English translated Visual Novels. Since its launch in July 2008, it has offered services where fans can download and enjoy popular Visual Novels such as minori’s ef -a fairy tale of two and OVERDRIVE’s Dengeki Stryker right from their home. Don’t forget to visit us on Facebook and Twitter!