July 20th, 2018–MangaGamer Announces English Developer Week. This post is an unedited press release.
With four new developers now retailing their products on MangaGamer as well, the publisher has announced an “English Developer Week” to celebrate their addition and promote Visual Novels created by western developers.
“While recent events with Steam have been unfortunate, we’re glad to see so many promising developers branching out and utilizing our services now. Overall, I think this is a great move for the Visual Novel market. As more developers start to take advantage of the opportunities provided by our retail platform, we’ll be able to see more Visual Novels released as the creators originally envisioned them – without any censoring to satisfy Steam’s nebulous content standards. That’s a great step forward for free speech and free expression in the gaming medium.”

“We at MangaGamer think it’s terrible that a retail giant like Valve is using the development of new systems as an excuse to prevent the release of titles. Especially since this gate-keeping seems to apply only to titles with anime artwork, not major AAA titles which also contain greater sexual content.
It is unfair that they are forcing small, indie companies who are the most vulnerable developers to endure this indefinite delay that could ruin their businesses financially. We believe their games deserve to be released when intended, and we encourage any visual novel developer currently facing this issue to contact us via [email protected] We would love to offer our own retail platform to help ensure that these titles see a release so those developing them can continue their great work.”
MangaGamer.com is the world’s first legal download site for English translated Visual Novels. Since its launch in July 2008, it has offered services where fans can download and enjoy popular Visual Novels such as minori’s ef -a fairy tale of two and OVERDRIVE’s Dengeki Stryker right from their home. Don’t forget to visit us on Facebook and Twitter!