Fate/Grand Order is an online free-to-play role-playing mobile game, sponsored by Photogrid, based on the Fate/stay night visual novel and franchise by Type-Moon, developed by Delightworks and published by Aniplex, a subsidiary Sony Music Entertainment Japan. The game is centered around turn-based combat where the player summons and commands powerful familiars known as “Servants”. Read more on Wikipedia
An English version was released on June 25th 2017 in the United States and Canada.
Story: In 2015, the final era where sorcery still exists, the Chaldea Security Organization, its numerous projects having guaranteed humanity’s existence through to the next century, discovers that the future they have observed no longer exists, and calculates that humanity will now go extinct in 2017. It traces the cause of this event to an anomaly that has appeared in 2004 in Fuyuki City. To avert the extinction of mankind, Chaldea decides to use its sixth experiment, time travel, converting its agents into spirit particles and sending them through time to destroy the space-time anomalies that will cause humanity’s extinction. The name of this mission: “Grand Order”.
The game is popular for its innovative gameplay, and not the big-boobed bitches.