Written by Mistress Valentine, edited by Otaku Apologist
Ushichichi Tabehoudai!, a hentai anime developed by Metro Notes. Released March 11, 2020. Runtime 22 minutes. Full Japanese voice acting. Censored genitals.
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The CEO of Oxhord Charcoal-Grilled Meat Company and his assistant are looking for the next poster girl for their company, someone who is sexy, busty and dim. So far all their prospects have failed. Their luck changes when they meet Nana, a waitress in a restaurant. They immediately offer her a job and have her dress in a slutty cowgirl outfit. The plot suddenly evaporates as CEO Guy and Assistant Guy reveal that Nana’s first shoot is a porno and they are her partners. She is shy, but CEO Guy and Assistant Guy change her mind by fucking her seven ways from Sunday. After all that relentless pounding, she consents into their mindless cocksleeve. The end.

The voice acting is nothing to write home about. CEO Guy and Assistant Guy give passable performances. The two genuinely sound like old geezers. CEO Guy’s line delivery is on point and his comedic timing made me chuckle several times. Nana’s voice is adorable and sweet. When she is being fucked senseless, her moans are filled with nothing but sexual gratification. Her voice is lewd as fuck.
The episode is very lite on sound effects. The most noticeable noises you hear are abstract sparkles that highlight Nana’s cuteness. Other sounds include jumping, fabric rustling and some generic wet sex sounds for creampies and dick thrusting.
The anime has no music.
The anime sports incredible visuals. I watched it in 1080p and the detail on the characters, as well as the backgrounds, is amazing. Normally in ugly bastard anime, the guy’s face is only shown a little but you can tell the animation department went the extra mile giving CEO Guy and Assistant Guy really detailed faces. You see them constantly making all kinds of expressions.
The same is true for Nana who’s transformation into a mindless slut is shown by her inconsistent breasts growing larger and larger as the scene goes on. At one point, her boobs and her ass are several times larger than her head and being squeezed by CEO Guy and Assistant Guy. It’s a weirdly sexy visual. Nana’s facial expressions are lewd and exaggerated.
The animation takes a shortcut one or twice by repeating some shots. The camera work is nice. Nana’s body is designed to be used by men and the camera loves to show it from the best angles. There are lots of close-ups of Nana’s body being manhandled. The shots have variety and never feel repetitive.

CEO Guy plays with Nana’s enormous melon tits before switching over to squeezing her nipples and milking her till she sprays. Assistant Guy helps out his boss by sucking the milk out of Nana’s boobs while CEO Guy laps her pussy until she sprays all over the place.
Nana mentions she’s a virgin. This makes CEO Guy and Assistant Guy apologetic, but rock hard. They jump her bones and take pride in stripping away her virginity in front of the camera. Hearing the cow bell around Nana’s neck shaking with each thrust adds a layer of sexiness to the scene.
CEO Guy is overwhelmed getting the chance to fuck such a young horny bitch and brags about how much he wants to cum inside her. Nana’s already stupid mind is too far gone and she gladly accepts the old man’s love juices inside her body. She falls in love with cock like a good bitch.

Ushichichi Tabehoudai is a good enough fap material with great visuals and a cockslaved slut at the centre of the action. If you don’t mind watching old, fat bastards transforming a clueless girl into their own personal slut then this hentai is for you.