Written by Otaku Apologist
I’m old enough to remember a time when game companies were fun little indie studios making fun little games to create joy into the lives of their young players. The fatherly love in those games was apparent. The companies were mostly run by men of marital age and entrepreneurial spirit, fathers who wanted to create fun experiences for their kids and other kids. More than likely, having kids is why they knew what we liked. What an innocent time that was.
Small tight-knit teams of friends produced innovative games that were just fun. I actually played Blizzard’s first games on my SNES, I played Lost Vikings 2, moving on to Starcraft and Diablo 2, Warcraft 3 and eventually World of Warcraft. I remember how Blizzard started.

I am also old enough to remember a time when your privacy and anonymity were respected in online spaces. Now, for seemingly everything you want to buy or do online, you need to give a phone number, your real physical address, go through a biometric facial recognition. These past few months alone, I’ve had to give my personal data to several corporations in order to do basic things. The most invasive experience was having my face scanned through my webcam, in order to be paid by an advertiser.
Yes, I had my face scanned through my fucking webcam, to be paid by an advertiser. I normally keep it taped, because I know that intelligence agencies around the world are mass-hacking everyone with their quantum computers and building data banks full of our personal data for God knows what purpose.
Why the fuck does any company need to know my name, date of birth and physical address, so I can buy or use their softwares online? I sell services in my own art business without that data. I know the email addresses of my art clients, but that’s about it. Am I in trouble, officer? Do I need a license to run my erotic lemonade stance?
Companies do not need your data to service you, they really don’t, they ask for your data in order to comply with government regulations. Some content is restricted by age or other laws, so they’re collecting this data at the behest of governments.
Today I read of another dystopian piece of news from Blizzard Entertainment. It’s the kind of news that seems perfectly normal and won’t even disturb anyone who doesn’t remember the old days when our privacy and rights weren’t invaded from every angle like getting poked by dicks in an orgy.

These excuses! This massive-scale surveillance will protect players from toxic behavior? Banter in competitive games has always been a part of them. It’s basic masculine behavior and goes along with a competitive spirit. This is misandry. Yes, I’m pulling that card. This is pure hatred towards men. Boys are not allowed to be boys by corporate control-freaks.
Why is anonymity so important? Is it really such a big tradeoff, if you get a nicer online environment? Yes, because what these companies are seeking to crush is male aggression. Aggression is part of a man’s depth. It’s what makes men so effective. Men build great things with their darkest passions, and not allowing boys to cultivate the darkest sides of themselves is detrimental to their growth. Those emotions, destructive and disruptive as they may appear, have the perfect space in competitive games. If boys are not allowed to explore the extents to which their aggression can be expressed socially, they will never grow into men.
Another issue with eliminating anonymity is the control over our lives we give to people who have too much currency and too few attachments. The top positions of power tend to attract pathological personalities. Maybe not this generation, but the next generation, it’s another despot on the throne. From their games, we need all the protection we can get.
Companies have lost respect for our anonymity. And when I think about it, I can’t even comment on certain news sites without my real name being attached to the comments. That’s not right! Thank God I got this operation running, because that is not a policy I will have on my sites. Say whatever you want, just don’t go completely overboard, please.
1 comment
Usually a person doesn’t know the inner working of the software he runs. This problem has been forseen since a time, that’s why Linux was built, in order to provide everyone with access to a free operating system, that is free from proprietary code. Free in the sense of freedom:
“-the freedom to use the software for any purpose,
-the freedom to change the software to suit your needs,
-the freedom to share the software with your friends and neighbors, and
-the freedom to share the changes you make.”
There’s also this awesome tech man who explains how to do without the big companies:
communism is based on THE LIE, that is what toppled commies
commies tortured murdered my family members. If the West doesn’t wisen up they’ll do the same here.
God has granted Canada Jordan Peterson to slow down their neocommunism