If you insist on building your VA career on third-party platforms, rather than a privately owned website infrastructure, this can happen. This is the reality us hentai media creators wrestle with. Our livelihoods are easily taken away.
Coincidentally, we spoke with Purity Sin before this conundrum, so when SHTF, we were able to ask her what happened. She is one of the more successful English voice actresses in our buttfuck insane industry. She’s as established as a media creator can get. Her twitter dates back to 2012. She’s so pro, we even consulted her for business advice recently.
Not only was the de-platforming sudden, but OnlyFans actually refunded her earnings. How is this legal exactly?
You can check up on Purity Sin on her official Twitter.
She’s not the only one who suffers this treatment. Suddenly and without explanation, third-party services can drop you overnight, upending your entire life. Imagine living with that kind of fear. Imagine living with that fear for years. You have to constantly think ahead and make security measures, which strain your time, your finances and your mental health. And if you get too comfortable, you forget to watch your step and boom, you’re unable to pay rent.
You’re now homeless. What? Yeah, you’re now homeless. You’re sucking dick in the nearby corner to afford a burger.
I have faith that Purity Sin will survive, because her fans will help her, the industry knows her, she’s got a network of people. But imagine being someone smaller. The disruption to your life caused by a criminal de-platforming can quickly unravel everything.
If you’re a hentai biz owner, also read how to become a better online sex worker for useful tips and mindset fixes.
It is absolutely vital that hentai media creators who plan to make a living reduce their dependence on third-party affiliations. You need your own websites, you need multiple ventures, multiple revenue sources, a healthy amount of savings in case you have to operate without income for a while. You need to reach out to new prospects, even when you’re steady.
Purity Sin’s situation is nothing that doesn’t happen every day to hentai industry people. Even the largest companies here struggle with payment processing and keeping up their Youtube channels, their social medias, their bank accounts, their infrastructure. Due to de-platforming, hentai media companies can never be 100% honest.
The biggest problem with OnlyFans is that from what we know, their aim is mainstream. They’re only using their erotic entertainers as stepping stones to grow, with full plans to fuck ’em over and beeline to mainstream. There’s already been some indications of this direction, as they’ve tightened their content rules since 2021.
You should look into alternate porn-friendly platforms, like Sheer.com. Sheer is very similar to OnlyFans in concept, but totally dedicated to porn. We’ll be writing more about Sheer as we return to producing Hentaireviews videos.
While OnlyFans hasn’t stopped being a platform for erotic media creators, this reluctance to be known for porn makes their behavior erratic and unpredictable, as Purity Sin found out the hard way. Just like you can’t be building your future around people who are only in with one foot, you cannot be building a life around platforms that aren’t embracing porn. That’s a recipe for an abusive business relationship akin to Tumblr. Fuck that company, by the way, seriously fuck them to hell.