Written by Otaku Apologist
Bubble Date Mania, developed by Jackalope in collaboration with Super Hippo Games. Released in April 12th 2018. Partial voice acting. Uncensored genitals. Free to play in your internet browser. Available on Nutaku.net.
It’s been a while since I played a really good browser game on Nutaku. While all their games tend to have their strengths, their weaknesses are always equally prominent. This game stands out among the company’s 2018 releases as a well-rounded contender for your off-time entertainment.

Show off your mad puzzle gaming skills, and watch the girl wet her panties. Your display of manly prowess proves that you’re a stable provider for her future children. After a nice gaming session, she may send you lascivious photographs of her supple young body, deepening the emotional bond between you two in preparation for the coming night of intense copulation. This story is “Pride and Prejudice”, with neither pride, nor prejudice.
Bubble Date mania is a match-three puzzle game. You score points when you match three or more adjacent tokens of the same color. The tokens are destroyed on impact.
The game lets you see where your bubbles will land, which makes aiming much easier. However, there’s no button to reverse the action of aiming. You launch bubbles with two clicks: First click aims, second click is launch. If you failed to estimate the trajectory of the bubble with your eye, you can’t take your shot back. You only have up to 30 moves to solve the puzzle, so every mistake can be game-ending.
Your bubble launcher reloads after each launch. The color of the bubble is random, so you’re not always getting what you need. You have to strategize around the likelihood of unfavorable randomness. You get one free color reroll per level, which swaps both bubbles loaded in the launcher with new ones. Consecutive rerolls cost the in-game premium currency, diamonds. Click the launcher to swap the current bubble with the reserve.
The conditions for victory aren’t always “destroy all bubbles”. Some levels have different victory conditions, like “destroy enough bubbles of X color”, or “release all fetishes”, which are symbolized by sextoys. The map design has tons of variety thanks to the introduction of special bubbles that create different challenges.
Bubbles on the board are always randomized. When replaying a level, you’re always faced with a fresh puzzle.

Bubble Date Mania has a stamina system. You have 30 stamina points at maximum. Playing a level costs around 4-5 points, but can go up to 8. Your stamina recoups fast during the day, allowing for multiple gaming sessions with breaks. If you enjoy the game so much you want to play more, you can support the developer by purchasing stamina boosts, and other cute items in the humble in-game shop.
The dating sim aspects are bare-bones, and mostly for flavor. You’re not pumping iron at a gym, to build a six-pack. You’re not allocating time blocks into studying pickup arts from Youtube videos. This is a safe zone from triggering self-development advice.
There isn’t much to say about the dating content in this game. You got your own man cave that you can pretend you’re dragging hot girls into. Also, anime boobs.

Every 30 minutes, you gain free experience points from clicking the bed, the wall poster, and the shelf. You can upgrade your apartment, and increase your EXP bonus. You have to be a certain level to fill the prerequisites to unlock the next girl, and with her, more puzzles. I have no clue how clicking on household items can yield experience. I guess it’s videogame logic.
Every girl has ten unlockable lewds. Half of the content is ecchi (clothed mildly erotic content). The stuff gets raunchier and raunchier, as the girl goes from nudity to vaginal sex. Additionally, the girls stand on the right side of the game board, wearing skin-tight clothing and seldom any underwear. You can see their hard nipples protruding from their tops.
The artwork is western-style anime art. Yep, increasing numbers of dysfunctional adults fap to cartoons.
I’ve seen some terrible art in hentai games in my career. But this game has some actual nice visuals: The girls look fleshy and sexy, the game board looks great. You’re not watching a cluttered interface that overwhelms you with information, while the girls have distinct personal styles, and simple colors. The backgrounds are always colorful, their themes ranging from beaches to nightclubs. Everything is easy to make sense of.
You will notice a focus on the color pink, and its sister purple. The themes of romance, and passion, are conveyed in these choices. Pink, after all, is the color of young, moist vaginal lips.
The characters have slight animation. They move their hands, grope their breasts, and emote in reaction to your performance. In the visual novel style story sequences that only appear once per girl, the girl’s sprite will spout useless dialog before inviting you out. During the sequence you get a preview of her range of emotions, and the poses she’ll strike while you’re playing. The animation has barely any frames, so it’s awkward to look at, but infinitely better than having them stand still.

The soundtrack is a mixed bag of moods. The song you listen to during actual gameplay, is the saddest, most melancholic piece I’ve heard in a dating sim. The same song plays on the beach, nightclub, park, and doesn’t fit the mood of every location. Variety is the spice of hentai life, and Bubble Date Mania boiled the broth over.
The menu music is a relaxing, inoffensive tune that won’t make you feel any uncomfortable feelings. It’s a synthetic little melody that moves slowly, like you’re on a candle light dinner at a restaurant, staring into the dead eyes of a rotting zombie. I mean, the tapestry drying. It’s a fucking boring song, okay?
Bubble Date Mania has partial voice acting. The women don’t voice their lines, but they moan and giggle, when you successfully match tokens. It’s good, even if their pandering acting is insincere.
There’s tons of delicious effects in the game. From bubbly pops to ringtones, there’s a sound for everything. The audio meshes perfectly with the little in-game animations. When a menu pops up, it slides on screen smoothly, with a smooth sound accompanying it. It gives out the same smooth effect when you disable it. So smooth…

Bubble Date Mania is an awesome new addition to Nutaku’s library of hentai browser games. It’s easy for casual players to pick up, and offers challenges that keep puzzle veterans invested. The addition of light dating sim gameplay, and hentai porn, give the title juicy flavor. The assets from art to audio work together beautifully, while the animation is basic, but crisp. The game has a stamina system that isn’t too punishing, allowing for hours of daily gaming with minor breaks in between sessions.
Highly recommend game for lovers of puzzles and pussy. Start playing Bubble Date Mania.

- Graphics
- Gameplay
- Story
- Music
- Hentai