Written by Otaku Apologist
Four Elements Trainer, a free dating sim developed by MITY Games. Available for PC Windows and Mac operating systems. No voice acting. Uncensored genitals.
Four Elements Trainer is an Avatar: The Last Airbender fan game in the hentai dating sim genre funded by Patreon backers. It’s a rather large-scale project and has received substantial funding from several thousand backers. The game receives an updated build every so often. The game is still in development and it’s rather large with multiple chapters of story. I played the first chapter for this review, and a little bit of the others. This review is based on the public build version 0.7.1c.
Download the Windows version. Download the Mac version.
You are the average wanker addicted to video games and porn. You are playing a crappy fighting game on your console when the radio busts out the message “the avatar is dead”. You are too busy whacking at your controller, you don’t pay any attention. Suddenly, you meet a spirit babe with nice tits that says you are chosen to be the next avatar. You must travel the lands and train to bend all four elements, and bed your female teachers.
By some unfathomable contrived tie-in, your avatar training becomes a hunt for pussy around the world. You track down avatar Aang’s past compatriots and enemies, to plug their holes. You will have sex with Katara, Toph, Azula, and many other characters dead or alive.
The story is written like the average piece of fanfiction, with characters and places borrowed from the show. Every plot development is just leading up to the next sex scene. No deeper themes are explored here, there’s no meaningful character development. The main character is an emotionally screwed narcissistic man-child that wastes everyone’s time living only for short-lived moments of pleasure. He has no personal motivation for doing anything, he doesn’t care about anybody or pursue any goal for any other reason than his immediate self-gain.
I was annoyed with the amount of swearing and crude jokes in the game. It clashed with the game’s aesthetics. The dialog practically pissed on the spirit of the Avatar series. I have to assume that the developers wanted to cater their product to working-class teenaged kids. There’s nothing wrong with a low-grade bottom-feeding capitalist marketing philosophy if you’re just in it for the money, but I feel the product would have raked the same bucks with better storytelling. Having a worthless shit-tier human trash as the main character degrades the experience.

The game plays similar to Akabur’s “Witch Trainer” and “Princess Trainer”, both very average games but still good for busting a nut. It’s a simplified dating sim where you grind for resources, level up you stats, customize girls and fuck holes. You seduce the female supporting cast of Avatar with deception and emotional manipulation. Wohoo.
You have the option to skip ahead and jump to later chapters. The developer only warns that the story won’t make sense, as if that’s not the case already.
You can visit the girls in their houses, and start developing your relationships with them for the eventual nights of deep vaginal penetration. Just be prepared to go through the whole process of midnight walks, holding hands, learning to kiss, buying her a see-through top and miniskirt so she can express herself prancing around like a cheap whore.
The gameplay is the definition of repetitive. You can only do two actions each day. In the first chapter, you’re usually just mining for ore, or hunting mooselions. In the evenings you visit the shop and sell the goods. After selling the stuff, you can ask Katara to fondle your genitals, which she eventually does. The game cycle is a braindead skinnerbox grind.
The monotony is broken up by events. When you repeat an action enough times, like mining ore, you eventually trigger a new event, ie. a new character shows up to lick your pecker.
Selling items in the first chapter takes way too many clicks. You have to click through several pages of the same dialog every time before the shopkeeper takes the merchandise off you. It takes six clicks when it should only be two.
There’s also basic combat. In the first chapter, you hunt for mooselions. The more you kill them, the more Katara will like you. The combat has three actionable options; attack, defend, and potion. The only time you defend is when the mooselion telegraphs that he’s about to charge you. There’s no learning curve to the combat, and no skill needed.
The art of Four Elements Trainer is amazing. The art mimics the style from the show near perfectly. Even the interface and the fonts are accurate. The coloring is basic and the shadows soft.
The art style could have placed more emphasis on the female characters’ breasts and hips. And there’s no rule that says you can’t redesign outfits to be more revealing. The art direction placed emphasis on mimicing the style of the show over eroticism, which I personally don’t like. If you’re gonna do a damned porn game, then make the broads wear fuckdoll dresses. Make their jugs big and bursting with nutrient-rich nectar. Make their nipples pointy as missiles. Show their belly buttons, lower the panty lines, give the babes fat oozing dicks.
The Four Elements Trainer has no voice acting, thank God.
The game has plenty of sound effects. There’s a cachink sound when you sell loot, there’s mooselion roars, a bubbly liquid sound when you drink a potion, there’s a metallic sound when you swing a wooden staff. The cumshot sounds are cartoony splurts, and just barely acceptable. The overall sound design is average, but competent.
The opening song has a slow flow, played with real instruments. It’s led by a piano, with a maraca in the background. If you stick around to listen to it, the melody starts going to places.
The water tribe theme is a completely different style of song. The instruments sound tribalistic. There’s a bongo drum leading the beat. Worldless female vocals hum in the background, like you’re in a mass in a church. Night time in the water tribe village has a different song that’s very relaxing, played with either a guitar or harp.
The sex scenes get more frequent after the slow start. But, they have notable problems. The screenshots should speak for themselves: If you feel the urge to remove the textbox (tip: press H to hide), you’ll see missing limbs and partial torsos. There’s sex scenes that look just terrible, but then there’s scenes where nobody has been amputated. I don’t understand what’s going on here, because this developer has the money to commission full pictures of the characters.
The scenes are visual novel style, with very basic animation. The animation looks fine enough during simple scenes where it’s only two frames, but the content starts looking terribly uncanny when a scene has like five frames. The blowjob scene with Katara’s mother’s ghost had several frames of animation. It irked the fuck out of me.
The dialog during the sex scenes breaks the immersion that you’re in the Avatar universe. The characters use degrading language while talking dirty, words like “whore”, “fuck”, “shit”. The water tribe village felt more like your downtown underfunded government school where half the students drop out. The hollow materialism that permeates the atmosphere wrecks the last remnants of emotional fullfillment that one could derive from this.
The build-up towards the sex scenes is crude, and not at all romantic. The male character is a manipulative emotionally screwed douchebag motivated only by his lust and his greed. He cracks plenty of unfunny jokes while displaying a total lack of empathy for the people around him. He takes the girl on walks, holds her hand, kisses her on the lips, not because he feels anything for the girl, but because he wants her to get emotional to get the goods. I can imagine this type of “romantic” build-up satisfies the game’s working-class male audience.

Four Elements Trainer is the average western hentai dating sim you see popping up here and there. There’s a great chance you’ll enjoy this game despite the massively flawed, repetitive gameplay, because you’ve never experienced anything better. If you’re a fan of the Avatar series, you can use this game as your free cognitive test to measure whether your attention span can last through the hundredth hunt for a mooselion.
Avatar porn is free for anime fappers. Download Win version. Download Mac version.

- Graphics
- Gameplay
- Story
- Music
- Hentai
I LOVE This Game!
Seriously? :O Even with those glaring problems with the art assets?
I grew up watching the show! The nostalgia makes up for the shortcomings 🙂
i found the college boy frat style humor from the protagonist refreshing, otherwise it would take itself too seriously. this is not some kind of pretencious hentai game that tries to be a piece of art. and it would not fit this whole art style (Imagine the relatively children stylized art style from avatar with a realistic/serious tone, it just wouldnt fit)
I totally agree with you the m.c is total asshole and the shit talking omg I’ve just finished water tribe section and I already hate the m.c for swearing and shit talking to women during sex