Written by Otaku Apologist
Adult business is an unstable source of income. Ad revenue goes up and down. Your business partners can run into trouble. Public attitudes and laws are always shifting. Your social medias can be banned, your products taken down. Mainstream companies that used to work with adult companies can suddenly decide to “clean up”, decide to AdultForce.
This guide is not just a “how to make money” post. It’s a survival guide for everyone who wants to make a living on adult content. The biggest mistake is to rely on one source of revenue. You need your own website and multiple sources of revenue to ensure your financial and emotional stability.
Good advertising is a service to customers. You connect people with products that solve their problems. If you’re good at advertising, you can make some good money on it, despite everyone and their mother using Adblock these days. Getting around Adblock’s algorithms is easy, as the software is only designed to weed out intrusive advertising.
Links and picture links work just fine with Adblock. Simply hyperlink a static picture.

There are few good advertisers who work with adult websites. You often need some salesmanship to get the products rolling. These are my top performing advertisers. These companies pay with Paypal and Paxum, which are the most convenient payment processing services. The advertisers listed here also offer payouts via Western Union, wire transfer, etc.

Nutaku affiliate program: https://www.adultforce.com
A webstore is a great source of passive income. I got the idea to start hentai-onahole.moe from a friend who read about affiliate-marketing based webstores. The easiest way to set up a webstore is Shopify, or Wordpress. Download a free theme designed for stores. Hire an HTML coder to modify the site to your needs. Start a site, choose a server host, add pictures and write product pitches. Easy!
Sell your ad space
The ad revenue that adult companies offer are often only 10-20% of the price of the product. Supplement your income from ads by selling companies spots in your rotation. Hentai game companies for example make roughly 60-70% of the price of their products after deducting the cut of sales platforms. Their higher profit margin makes your space valuable to them.
Companies about losing money. Cut them deals that make them a negligible loss in the short run, and profit in the long run. I personally sell permanent life-time banner space embedded into individual articles.
You can also auction off your space on ad networks such as Juicyads.com.

Plenty of adult content creators have had great success with donation sites like Patreon, Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and other crowdfunding platforms. Some content creators’ entire income comes from donations. The only downside of donations is that you have to play by the rules of the platforms, which often restrict your creative freedom. Right now, you can easily steal other people’s successful crowdfunding models and focus on resolving the other kinks in your monetization.
Donations are good supplementary income, but very bad if you’re entirely dependent on them. Years from here, your income can suddenly be devastated when public attitudes on pornography shift, and the rules tighten.
Basic self-marketing
The internet is a very dehumanizing medium. If your fans already like your content, you only need to remind them that you’re a human being, and they’ll support you. Do simple things like post photos of the food you’re eating. You’d be shocked to learn how many sextoys I’ve sold posting pictures of my anime figures molesting hamburgers.
Take photos of products you enjoy and post them in your social medias and blogs.
Sell backlinks
Search engine optimization is a big business. Tons of website owners are ready to pay other website owners to add their link to your site. They want keyword-rich promotional articles with a link to their site. They want you to link to their site, because every backlink is like an upvote to Google: The more sites link to your site, the higher you show up in people’s search results. The top search results get the most clicks. If your site is getting quite popular, you should consider selling backlinks and SEO content. You can easily make an extra few hundred dollars a month.
Your website is your business card. The more competent and content-rich your site, the better image that conveys to prospective employers. You can seek out odd jobs, like contributing assets to small indie game projects. The hentai scene is buzzing with little projects and companies who need good workers. You can suspend working on your website for a while, and work for somebody else for a change!
If you’re accepting payments, remember to never include any documentation that links you to adult content. No pictures, no mention in the receipt that the project included titties and genital rubbing.
Make your own products
Freelancing and ad money are easy ways to make a buck, but you’re never getting rich from that. The highest profits come from making your own products that you can sell on multiple platforms. It takes skill and effort, but for example, you can make small hentai games for only $1000-2000 that sell for many thousands. Each successfully launched product can also become a source of passive income for a long time. You can recruit artists from art sites like Deviant Art and Hentai Foundry, and musicians, coders, and other skilled labor from Lemmasoft.

Start your own website
The saddest stories I’ve encountered in this industry come from people who don’t have their own websites. Adult content creators face real discrimination from social media platforms and art sites. Practically all job opportunities here are temporary freelancing gigs. If your income is reliant upon Hentai Foundry, Pixiv, Deviantart, Twitter, you’re one mistake away from ruin. Also, if you’re a freelancer for an established content site, you’re at the mercy of your employer.
The best financial security comes from having your own website with a diversified business model.
Thank for this arcticle wich explain well the process
thanks man!
I’ve just started a new hentai website, and I feel like I’m still a little confused to choose between Nutaku and Istripper
Of the two, which do you think is the best?
Nutaku is more money than iSripper, but I recommend using both, as they are different offers and will hit the spot for different customers. Most online businesses these days have hybrid business models. You should offer a variety of digital goods and physical goods.