Written by Otaku Apologist
Märchen Nocturne, a free to play hentai browser game, developed by A.R.T. Games. Launched in 2018. Available for PC Windows and Mobile devices. Play for free at Nutaku.net. Play on mobile. Partial Japanese voice acting. Uncensored genitals.
You’re a perverted fucktard in a generic western fantasy wonderland full of hot girls who fight rats and snakes and other animals. The storytelling is limited to visual novel segments between battles where the girls talk useless gibberish that impacts nothing. Whoever no-name writer got the job to scribble this garbage, I feel sorry for you.

The gameplay is focused on resource management outside of battles. The actual battles are automated, so even the most brain-dead serial masturbators can crank their brains full of dopamine from this. You click “fight” or “mission” in the menu and fire away. Everything dies without your real-time input.
The battles are basic turn-based RPG fare. Your waifus take turns attacking the enemy monsters. The enemy monsters attack you back. Rinse and repeat until everyone is dead on one side and a victor is decided.
The loot and gold you collect from battles, you can spend on upgrading your girls. They gain extra stats, and more ability slots when you evolve them. The game makes this process beyond easy by hand-holding you to the extreme: There’s a “recommend” button in the team menu that has a red exclamation mark plastered on top of it whenever you have the proper upgrade materials.
You can also spend your gold in the gacha lottery. You can get new random girls and upgrade materials from the gacha. If you want premium waifus, or just want to support the developer, you can swing your credit card. The game has a premium gacha like all games of this genre, where you can get the rarest girls with the strongest stats.

The character sprites look gorgeous. The artwork is just exquisite, featuring perfect but realistic body proportions on the luscious young females. Their clothes are sexy and revealing. My eyes feasted on these cloth designs. Everything else about the game’s graphics is rather dreary. The menu looks good, and the backgrounds are nice. I’ll give props for overall visually pleasing design, but take issue with how the meat of the game looks, meaning the battles. The battles feature static chibi toons jumping around. The action is not interesting to look at, nor are the enemies interesting. It’s just an underwhelming experience that doesn’t feel rewarding at all.
Literally, the only commendable thing about the art are the sprites.

Like all the browser games I’ve played, Märchen Nocturne has an extremely limited soundtrack. The menu music is a very short hypnotic lullaby loop that makes you hate yourself, your nation, and everyone around you.
The battle music is a super short loop as well. It feels energetic and action-packed for the first ten seconds, until the loop begins anew. The overall audio content is so limited, it’s like the punchline of a bad joke.
Märchen Nocturne has limited voice acting. Each girl has like one line to utter.
The sound effects are extremely few in number. You hear a short jingle when clicking buttons on screen, but that’s it. The battles have no sounds for attacks, not even the specials.

The game has some of the most lackluster hentai content I’ve encountered, even in the realm of mediocre free to play browser games. The “intimate time” feature is just terrible. You click the screen and watch a choppy animation of a chick getting fucked. No sounds, no voice acting, terrible animation. The only good thing about the hentai is the coloring and the shine effects on the babe’s body.
Märchen Nocturne is the most generic and plain free to play battle harem game I’ve forced myself to play. There’s tons of much better games on Nutaku’s free to play library that do the exact same thing, but with better graphics and competent animations. The soundtrack for this title is terribly limited, and there’s barely any female voice acting.
You can play Märchen Nocturne at Nutaku.net. Play on mobile.
- Graphics
- Gameplay
- Story
- Music
- Hentai