Written by Otaku Apologist
Lustful Shores, a free tower defense game published by Nutaku Publishing. Released in October 2019. Play for free at Nutaku.net. For PC Windows internet browsers. Uncensored genitals.
Tower defense games are a strange genre to slap in anime titties. The pointlessness of the effort is obvious to everyone and their mother. While this title is a perfectly fun and enjoyable tower defense, the hentai elements are tacked on, rather than integrated. There are no penis cannons in this game, sadly.

You are a warrior of an amazonian tribe full of hot and horny anime girls. The amazons indulged in lesbian orgies, and excluded a nerdy beta male warlock named Nakzath from the fun. Now that he’s a bitter dysfunctional adult, he uses his arcane powers and influence in the demon world to take out his sexual frustration on the world.
The game has a story segment at the start of each level. It’s not well integrated into the gameplay, as there are no in-game story events. None of the characters make an appearance during a level. The story could be totally absent and you would never notice. It still adds flavor to the experience and makes everything more engaging.

Lustful Shores features a combination of 3D graphics and hand-drawn digital art. The game has some solid visuals. I especially enjoyed the colorful environments and highly varied enemy designs. Your towers murder all kinds of orcs, wyverns, and other monsters. Everything makes sense, the enemies and towers are well animated, the textures are smooth, and the game runs spotlessly. The various towers look great, and are easy to distinguish visually from each other.
There’s a great variety of monsters and environments to ogle. If you spend any time actually watching, you’ll find tons of little details to appreciate like cracks in the tiles, which add to the immersiveness of the experience.
The 2D anime character art is sexy but basic. I wasn’t awestruck by the females, their curves, or their personalities. Considering this game is made for the adult market, I was expecting much bigger boobies and sexier clothes.
The interface is easy to understand and navigate. The visual presentation leaves nothing for guess games: On the upper-left side, you got your “health”, your gold, and the number of the current wave of enemies. On the top-right corner, you got a pause button, a button to speed up game time, and settings. The list of towers and your chosen magic spell are listed below the screen. Click the icons and drag the tower or spell over a square you wish to place it.

Lustful Shores is a tower defense game. You place towers on squares on the map and watch them nuke the shit out of trespassing monsters. The monsters are trying to enter a portal at the far end of the level – when they reach the portal, you lose health points. Hit zero health points and you’ve lost. The variety of monsters forces you to diversify the towers you use. Some towers don’t shoot flying creatures at all, while others are necessary to take down heavily armored villains. You can upgrade your towers to be more powerful during combat. You can only pick four types of towers for a level, and one magic spell.
Killing enemies earns you gold, which you spend to build towers and upgrade them. You can’t build bank during a level and spend it outside of levels, there’s another currency for that.
Part of the strategy aspect of this game is that you can place towers to block enemy pathing. This makes even the cheap not-so-powerful towers an important part of your strategy. You can’t block monsters from moving towards the portal, but you can make the run longer, and more painful!
You earn currency from beating levels, which you can spend to upgrade the power of your towers. There is also a talent tree that lets you upgrade things like your income rate, the damage your towers deal, your spells, and more.
Grinding for currencies in this game is a little annoying. Going back to old levels is hardly worth it due to reduced rewards, so instead you’re playing mostly “side missions”, which come in three difficulty modes. The levels take a while to beat, and the rewards are never that high.

The limited soundtrack has some great personable tracks that elevate the experience. The musical tracks are beautiful and fit the contexts they play in. The world map music is a melancholic tune with a slow-playing guitar-led melody. The song also features a tender flute that takes the charge here and there, like a gust of wind blowing over a field. If you’re in an emotional spot in your life, you may just tear up. Meanwhile, the song that plays during the levels is a foreboding composition with a dark melody, it gets you pumped up to play strategic tower defense to the bitter end!
This game has no voice acting.
The sound effects are cute, but perhaps not always fitting. The sound of the mortar tower firing is a meek plop that sure doesn’t mess with the music, but it also leaves you wanting a good explosion. The other towers have somewhat better attack sounds, like the Sentry Tower, which is a ballista that fires arrows.
The menu has virtually perfect sound prompts for when you click any icons – they’re discreet, short, and sharp, just perfect for their purpose. I recommend other developers take note from this design.

This game is free to play. You can purchase the in-game currency “coins” with Nutaku gold. Buying more at once grants you freebies. There’s tons of things to buy in this game from tower level-ups to talent points. You’ll have to spend some time on a calculator to make sense of how much value you’re actually getting with your purchase.
The game has two premium currencies. While you need coins for almost everything, you also have gems, which you can use to purchase card packs and resources in the shop tab. The rate of earning coins and gems through normal play is sluggish, as expected of a free to play game. You still earn them enough to enjoy your rate of progression. You can also buy “keys”, which let you instantly beat side missions to gain rewards.

The start of the game has several images of girl-on-girl action, with multiple girls licking pussy, going all-in with their gayness. As you progress in the game, you unlock more images of sexy girls getting fucked, along with vivid descriptions and dialog. The scenes are short, with barely a minute worth of reading each. The overall visual presentation is solid, but something about the coloring didn’t really hit the nail in the head for me. The art is fine but it’s lacking that “oomph” factor for me. You unlock new scenes at a decent pace.
Lustful Shores is a competent tower defense game with basic RPG progression mechanics that keep it engaging for long hours to come. Each level is a challenging puzzle with multiple valid strategies to achieve victory. The visuals are beautiful, and the audio design solid. With so many great things going for it, this is one of the best games available on Nutaku.
Highly recommended free to play browser game. Start playing Lustful Shores.

- Graphics
- Gameplay
- Story
- Music
- Hentai