Written by Mistress Valentine, edited by Otaku Apologist
Produced by Derpixon and released on July 2018, FandelTales is an animated short which follows four adventurers, Jean, Rizella, Fey and Ben. They travel into a mysterious cavern in search of treasure. Unfortunately for them, horny sex monsters stand in their way. The video is approximately 12 minutes long. Fully voiced in English.

Jean, Rizella, Fey and Ben have been hired to undertake a dangerous new mission. They’ve already been paid, and some of them hightailing out before finishing the gig. Ben, their treasury custodian, accidentally lets a nasty goblin steal their reward money! The team goes after the goblin and stumbles into a cave where they get separated. Fey finds a treasure chest, but a giant tongue monster emerges and starts fucking her! Jean and Rizella find the goblin but are ambushed. The goblins proceed to emptying their balls into the girls’ every orifice. Ben, the only male hero on the team just sits back and watches!
The short animation is well written and sets up the gangbang expertly. The dialogue is funny with good delivery. Ben’s character steals the spotlight from all these bitches even though he has no lines and barely moves a muscle.

The voice acting in FandelTales is top tier. Derpixon made some excellent casting choices in SilkyMilk (Jean), Oolay-Tiger (Rizella) and Shiyon (Fey). All three actresses give phenomenal performances as the three titular heroes. Their casual dialogue establishes their bonds and familiarity with one another with great line delivery and overall camaraderie.
Voice acting during sex scenes is just as great with running commentary from all three characters about how disgusting and ridiculous the situation they find themselves in. Their deep sucks and erotic moans are sexy as hell to listen to. These ladies know how to twist their voices and make men’s cocks kneel before them.
The music feels handcrafted and fits in well with the sword and sorcery genre. Grand, bombastic tracks dominate the scenes with fast dramatic piano playing. There is a good chunk of symphonic orchestra playing and a little tippy-toe string plays during tense and suspenseful scenes.
Songs are well timed and well placed. Their rhythm mimics the pace of the action happening onscreen and builds up towards either the goblins cumming or the girls orgasming.

Fandeltales looks and feels like a hand drawn animation. The aesthetic feels perfect a sword and sorcery story. The characters have realistic proportions which are not exaggerated for the sex scenes.
The animation has a unique mixture of colours which gives each character a different style that helps individualize them. Fey has blonde hair with green clothes, she uses a bow as her weapon of choice. Jean is a knight with jaded red hair and dull coloured armour. Rizella is a witch with a purple colour scheme. Characters are drawn with no shadow and thick black lines. Lighting is uses sparsely with seldom any shadows. The character motions are animated fluidly with no awkward jags or zigzags.
The background art is basic. The story has a good selection of locations that make the world the characters inhabit even bigger. Most of the action takes place inside the cave, but in different caverns.
The camera highlights only the sexiest angles, often taking turns showing the girls being fucked. The monsters are in utter bliss as they use their cocks as mouth plugs.

The goblins in Fandeltales fuck Jean and Rizella like there is no tomorrow. The episode is littered with shots of them pushing and pumping their disgusting goblin cocks into the girls’ pussies. Rizella wants to cast a spell but gets a dick shoved inside her mouth. The goblin doesn’t stop until he’s blasted a gallon of cock juice down her throat.
Jean suffers through dick after dick but once one of the goblins takes her in the ass, her reaction is priceless. Fey has her insides fucked by a giant tongue that makes its home inside her cunt and her ass.
The movement of the goblins thrusting their cocks into the girls’ pussies is complimented by the various lewd shots of the girls squirming as their bodies become nothing but cocksleeves for the monsters. It’s entertaining on every level.

FandelTales is a must-see for any avid porn lover. Gorgeous artwork is paired with excellent script writing and sexy voice acting. You’ll have no issue squirting out a load at the fantastic sex featured in this video. You can support Derpixon on Patreon.
You can watch this sexy episode on Newgrounds.com.

- Story
- Animation
- Music
- Hentai