Written by Otaku Apologist
As all men know, fighting with a woman is a waste of time. She may not even have the guts to spill out her grievances about you, so you could actually change your behavior. She may be so sensitive, that she’ll treat your verbal retorts with the same fear as a raised fist. In situations like these, it’s important to reconnect emotionally with your loved one through the ancient art of sexual intercourse.
This sex scenario is a way to heal your relationship without resorting to expensive therapy or good old domestic violence. By turning your fights into pleasurable sex acts, you can resolve your feelings without needing to resolve the complex problems in your lives, which sometimes aren’t even solvable, because both of you are incurable assholes. Hopefully in time, you’ll deepen your trust, so you’ll feel comfortable fighting like normal couples do without needing to constantly have sex with each other!
In this sex scenario, the normally dominant partner will be wearing a gag (panties in the mouth, ball gag, etc.), but will be physically free to move around. The other partner will be free to speak, but will have their arms and legs tied to the bed.
Remember to check out our original BDSM artwork at otakusexart.com!
The point of the scenario is to channel your anger into your sex act. The partner that’s bound to the bed can spit out all the grievances they’ve been keeping inside, and you just have to listen to her. And when the verbal barrage pisses you off, you can take immediate revenge by fucking them any way you wish. If the insults get too harsh, shove your dick or a sextoy in their mouth and pump, pump, pump until you’re done! If rough face-fucking doesn’t calm down your bitch, the human body is rife with sensual holes and erogenous zones to punish! Your partner is completely defenseless, so go to town and make their body feel how pissed off their words make you!
Few relationships are without their daily annoyances. Remind yourselves of what’s important by giving yourselves to the passion of sex, so you don’t forget why you’re together in the first place. It’s not because her or she is perfect; it’s because despite all their flaws, you’re happier being able to share your life with this wonderful person who makes you feel the full spectrum of emotions.
If your relationship needs help, I recommend reading 1,500 People Give All the Relationship Advice You’ll Ever Need.