Written by Otaku Apologist
School Idol QT Cool, developed by U+Me PLUS, published in 2017 by U+Me PLUS. Download at Nutaku.net for $15.00. Available for Windows PC. Full Japanese voice acting. Uncensored genitals.
A homoerotic visual novel, that features two crossdressing guys and their perverted club president. If you’ve been itching for a pornographic trap sex game with great uncensored art and voice acting, School Idol QT Cool is that game. Your wait is over, congratulations, go masturbate.
Let’s talk about the ethics of veiling your testicles in white laced panties.

The character art of QT Cool, is Japanese anime style. The boys look hot, with round butts and girly hips, their pubic areas and legs perfectly shaved. If we’re being real, it makes no sense how feminine they look. The artists use camera angles to manipulate perception, and make even their chests look like breasts. Oh, and their penises look ultra gorgeous, with tight foreskin and smooth skin on the testicles. When the boys cum, their white baby cream soils their bodies, it splashes on the floor, they’re wiping it off with towels that can barely absorb the thick stuff. The art in this localization is fully uncensored.
There’s nice shadows and highlights everywhere. The little details like ribbons in the boys’ hairs, luminescent sweat drops, translucent precum, little lines indicating finger nails, are the kind of stuff you don’t see in cheaper releases.
The sprites look like dolls, they’re so perfect. The characters have multiple expressions, enough to convey every emotion relevant to the story. The traps look so deliciously fuckable, like they’re itching for a back-alley ass-rape. During sex scenes, they always wear these cute embarrassed faces, while lustfully jerking each other’s fully erect teen cocks. During those scenes, little details like their faces change, like eyes get closed, penises ooze precum midway to climax. These little details create a sense of progression.
The background art is okay, and fits the game’s school-focused premise. I found the backgrounds too standard to be pleasing to my aesthetic eye. Cheap backgrounds are very common in eroge, it’s the easiest area to cut budget without hurting sales.

School Idol QT Cool is a visual novel. You click the screen to “turn the page”. Set the text to roll on auto-mode, while masturbating. Occasionally you are prompted with choices that take the story into different directions, that ultimately determine the ending you unlock. You can save the game at any time, so backtracking choices is easy. There’s also a skip-feature that lets you boost through content you’ve already read once. You should increase the text speed by a nudge in the settings menu, as the standard reading speed is ridiculously slow.
Schools in Japan were closing their doors one after the other. Low fertility rates have plummeted the number of young Japanese, and there’s less need for schools. But the teachers want to keep their jobs, so everyone is thinking ways to get their school’s enrollment numbers growing. Then, one perverted fuck came up with a desperate idea: Let’s make a school girl band. Hoard the hottest teenage thots into a single group, dress them like high-class hookers, and make memes about their panties for twitter. The idea became popular, and soon almost every school had their own “school idol club”.
The school of the story has only two members in its idol club. The reason for this is no mystery, after you realize the club president is a perverted bitch that sexually harasses everybody. Her name is Aya, her breasts are massive, and her personality pure porn. She decides to train two crossdressing boys into generic singing, dancing asian pop idols. The other boy was already crossdressing from the beginning, which is a plot twist I just ruined for you. They have sex, and it’s gorgeously homosexual.
There’s barely any plot. The guys train dance moves, while dressing in women’s gym wear, there’s some short-lived relationship drama here and there. The focus is the porn however, and everything else between those scenes is basically filler. When things start being stale, somebody starts jacking somebody off, and soon jets of semen are flying all over the place. We don’t learn too much about the characters, and the motivations for the main character to suddenly start crossdressing, are flimsy as hell. The whole premise is forced together to create a natural-feeling scenario where two guys explore their homosexual lusts while wearing women’s clothing.

The game has three central characters, and no supporting cast. They are Akaru (trap), Yuki (his trap name is Haruka), and Aya (alpha bitch). I never learned much of the characters and their pasts. Without this knowledge, there wasn’t much depth to any of them. Their personalities were very one-dimensional. Akaru was just a shy trap, that seemed to have some innate need to dress in skirts. Yuki was such a weak-willed beta male, that he was just pulled into crossdressing, seduced into homosexuality, which he eventually started liking. Meanwhile Aya was just a succubus-like character that manipulated everyone into immoral sexual acts, to piss on Christian family values. There was very little drama involving their gender identities clashing with society’s expectations, and no dramatic consequences. All that juicy drama that would’ve made for epic insightful scenes, was swept under the rug. The game treated the characters as cheap porn bodies. If you want something deeper, School Idol QT Cool doesn’t go there.
The music is very light, poppy stuff played with synthetic instruments. It lifts the mood, especially the opening theme. The melody is simple and cheerful, and can easily get stuck in your head. But the soundtrack definitely sounds like something from the 90s, definitely not the current decade.
The theme that plays during sex scenes, is in the style of a city-building tycoon game. If you heard this stuff in any other context, you wouldn’t associate it with crossdressing gay sex. The thought wouldn’t even pop in your head. It’s a very relaxing tune, like nothing immoral is happening, even when the students are fucking each others’ brains out during school time, on the premises. It’s all just fun, right?
The game has voice acting for two characters: Aya, and Akaru. The main character Yuki / Haruka isn’t voiced. The voice acting during story bits was anime quality. Akaru’s super shy girly voice churns the semen in your balls, if you’re into that archetype. Meanwhile, Aya is a confident young woman that often plays dumb when in reality she’s highly intelligent and massively manipulative. During sex scenes, the voice acting can get really intense. Like during one of Aya’s many boobjob scenes, the actress went absolutely insane with the slurping. Whatever she was sucking on, it was getting one hell of mouth job. After the intense part was done, the sound didn’t loop, and she just continued sucking in a more relaxed manner – good choice from the developer, because sometimes you just wanna stop to a particular slide to masturbate. When clicking to the “next page”, she continued with the intense sucking. In addition to slurping, she just constantly howled at me to empty my balls on her face. When a cute girl tells you repeatedly to spray her throat with your baby yogurt, you’re hard-pressed to resist the command. Aya is just really flirty throughout the game, which keeps the sexual tension high even during times when nothing much is happening. Akaru can be really intense too, but his appeal is different. He usually plays the shy gay boy tropes, giving handjobs with a quivering voice, but during a blowjob scene, the actor goes all-out with the cocksucking performance.
The game has 90s style sound effects and user interface, with a certain rigidness present in games of that era. It’s very confusing, because the game was released and copyrighted in 2017 to English speakers. The Japanese release was no later than 2013 according to VNDB.com. It doesn’t detract from the experience, but it feels uncanny.

School Idol QT Cool has great sex scenes. I masturbated to each of them, and blew my load with ease every time. Each scene only had one slide though with plenty of alternates. The art quality was high, but it’s still a bummer they didn’t add more images to the sex scenes. I imagine they abstained from adding more slides to cut costs. It’s impossible to criticize a studio for doing economic decisions, given that they released a game for the tiniest niche audience, with full voice acting to boot. When you think about it, the grim reality is that the number of people who will ever play QT Cool, will be some thousands of people. That’s the fate of niche games: You’re gonna be a fan of them, virtually alone.
They did a couple tricks to amplify the eroticism; for example, many a times just when somebody is about to orgasm, one of the characters will stop them from finishing. Aya did this at least once, during a super intense handjob scene between the two traps. Listening to Akaru whimper for permission to finish jerking off his new boyfriend’s red-throbbing cock, was the juiciest shit I’ve heard in ages. “Can I fondle this fag’s balls and dick until his huge load explodes in front of my face, please, club president!?” Imagine that conversation.

After a couple of playthroughs, I was able to unlock an anal sex scene. I was getting worried there would be no intercourse in the game. The game featured handjobs, tittyfucks, and onaholes – those scenes were easy to get, but any actual penetrative sex, took some effort to access. When I got there, it was some good shit: Multiple CGs, massive cumshots, cum used as an anal lubricant, kissing, multiple creampies. You can check out samples of the femboy porn from my playthrough.
School Idol QT Cool is a straight-to-the-point genderbending porn game for lovers of traps. The voice acting and sex scenes are great, and the story sequences in between the fucking, are fine enough to get you invested in the characters. This is a highly recommended release that you should take your time to enjoy.
Fap away, anime fuckers! Download School Idol QT Cool.
- Graphics
- Gameplay
- Story
- Music
- Hentai